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Flourish Magazine: Where is she? Poem and artwork by Nina Moore

10 Oct 2022

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Alongside the print version of Issue 2 of Flourish Magazine, The Connections Issue, we are releasing weekly digital content on the Artlift and Yes to Life websites, such as music, creative writing and blog posts. See issue 2 on Connections plus our first issue with the theme Nourish at:

This week our digital piece is a poem by Nina Moore who already features some of her poetry and artwork in issue 2 of Flourish. Watch this space for more digital content, released each week as part of the second edition of Flourish Magazine.

Where is she? 
By Nina Moore
I don’t recognise me,
An anonymous androgynous shell reflects back at me,
Pale, tired and dehumanised,
Unadorned and raw,
The epitome of ‘done’,
A car crash,
Where once a dancer stood
Alive, graceful and expressive.
A mother and wife,
So proud and brimming with joy,
With a smile to light up their hearts,
Playful and nurturing,
A natural home-maker and nest-builder.
A teacher,
Animated and passionate,
Breathing life into learning,
Growing generations to believe in the power of ‘I Can’.
An adventurer,
Hungry to explore the depths of her deep soul,
And set her spirit free across earth and oceans,
Connecting and collecting precious memories of time well spent,
Of family and togetherness,
Growing up and growing old,
United. A team.
An artist
Creative and inspired,
An imagineer of dreams, endless possibilities and stardust.
A lover,
Starstruck, devoted and loyal to her soulmate on loan from the universe,
Where the smallest distance is too great,
In a perpetual dance of unbreakable kinship and solidarity,
Where is she?
Where is that little girl with the constellation imagination, evolved into the woman with an infinity of dreams?
She has been cast into the momentary shadows of time by the monster within,
A crysallis.
Quietly waiting against the beat of the iambic pentameter of time to metamorphosize,
o blossom wild and free once again,
Transformed by her pain,
Inhaling courage,
Exhaling fear.
Her time will come.
She’s waiting stage left,
Ready to sashay back towards the light.
She WILL rise.