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Day at a time, A daily practice is a gift, 20/5/20

21 May 2020

A Day at a Time – A Daily Blog of Life in Lockdown


I practiced the same beautiful routine this morning of rebounding, Qi Gong and meditation. What a wonderful way to start the day. I wonder why it has taken me half a lifetime (hopefully) to discover the joy of a morning routine and how it opens up my moment by moment experience for the rest of the day. I feel a sense of flow in my being and ease that I don’t remember feeling before. I am able to focus on what is important in the moment and do not get drawn by the normal distractions, like an email pinging in.

Practicing Qi Gong outside again in the warm morning air, with the sun shining, I noticed aeroplane noise amidst the birdsong. Things are resuming. Apparently, more people are out, and I can hear the noise from the road. I miss the silence already and feel I may need to go in search of a wilderness.

Last night a neighbour invited my son in for dinner and sent me photos of him with her beautiful daughters. She then texted inviting me over for a drink. Now is the time to start considering the balance between keeping safe and respectful to myself and others and doing the things I enjoy, like being with friends.

An interruption with the arrival of the hen hutch. A whimsical decision halfway through this current lockdown. Now we need to find some hens to inhabit it. After helping off load all the pieces and carry them up the garden, I decided to have a shower before resuming writing this blog. In the shower, I notice that I am enjoying it more than I ever used to and I now want to luxuriate in the feel of the hot water pounding my skin. Before I was always doing it to get it done and move onto the next thing. Here and now, I choose to renounce the habit of hurrying and quieten for good the hurry up mind!


Commit yourself to a daily practice.

Your loyalty to that is like a ring at the door.

Keep knocking

and eventually the joy that lives inside will look out to see who is there.
– Rumi