The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990

Daniel Kennedy

4 Jul 2014

Daniel Kennedy

The workshop was for women who have or have had breast cancer.

Few women are prepared for the aftershock once they’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer. The diagnosis involves much more than making informed treatment decisions; it brings with it multiple psychosocial stressors that can easily overwhelm the strongest of women.

Daniel Kennedy led this workshop to:

  • explain the connection between thoughts, the endocrine system and the immune system
  • teach effective coping strategies to manage stress and boost the immune system
  • facilitate an open conversation on how to deal with the issues associated with breast cancer, including work, parenting and body imageDaniel

Kennedy has been the psycho-oncology counsellor at the Oasis of Hope Hospital for over 20 years, offering emotional therapies to thousands of patients and family members –