By Dr. Laura Holland, PhD
There is a noticeable discomfort that descends the moment Cancer gets mentioned, the word seems to induce automatic foreboding, even if you’re just unlucky enough to catch one of the many adverts reminding you of ‘cancer statistics’.However, bring ‘that word’ into the context of a loved one, or yourself, then the automatic foreboding instantly multiplies exponentially into overwhelming fear, which is certainly not helped by the way most ‘cancer diagnoses’ are delivered to people.
I’ve had front-row seats to this experience, and it is not pretty, to say the least – even given my professional expertise as an integrative health expert and nutritionist. Despite having a strong grasp on the root causes of cancer – the fact that some 90-95% of cancer cases are lifestyle and/or environmental exposure related, and not genetic – and therefore the various protocols, therapies and treatments available, this fear caught me off-guard, and I had to work really hard to stay calm and able to support my partner.
But the truth is, fear, and its impact on the immune system can be as damaging as the disease itself, and can even be one of the contributing factors that led to cancerous cells in the first place. There is a rich body of research that now proves that fear, and other negative emotions, suppress the body’s innate ability to heal, undermining the very foundation of recovery. This is why the current medical model of cancer care, from diagnosis to treatment, is in need of transformation. Because the way cancer is discussed and managed often perpetuates fear and disempowerment rather than fostering resilience, trust in one’s own body, and healing.
Speaking from personal and professional experience, and having walked this journey with my partner, I wanted to share with you the resources that I found supportive and inspiring.
These are just some of the highlights that I’ve gathered from leading-edge physicians, groundbreaking research, and real-life patient stories to educate, empower and inspire you. These stories help us to understand the body’s incredible capacity to heal, given the correct inner and outer environmental conditions, and the unshakeable strength of the human spirit. My intention is that this information begins the process of unravelling you from the grip of fear, to make way for healing!
Essential Resources and Stories of Inspiration
If you read only one book, let it be Love, Medicine, and Miracles by Dr. Bernie Siegel. This life-changing resource combines allopathic and integrative approaches while emphasising the mind-body connection. Dr. Siegel’s insights into what cancer truly represents and how to heal are profound. His compassionate approach reminds us that healing is as much about the soul as it is about the body.
Anita Moorjani’s story is another that will leave you in awe. Diagnosed with stage IV lymphoma, Anita slipped into a coma and had a near-death experience that transformed her understanding of life, health, and healing. Her ‘spontaneous remission’ was witnessed by doctors and has since inspired millions through her book ‘Dying to Be Me’. Her story is a powerful testament to the mind-body connection and the role of self-love in healing.
Dean Hall’s journey is equally incredible. Diagnosed with leukaemia, he didn’t let the disease define him. Instead, he became the first person in history to swim the entire length of Oregon’s Willamette River while battling cancer. Dean’s story showcases the power of setting audacious goals, staying active, and believing in the impossible.
Dr. Thomas Seyfried, a professor of biology, genetics, and biochemistry at Boston College, offers groundbreaking insights into cancer as a metabolic disease. With over 150 peer-reviewed publications, his work highlights the role of metabolism in the origin, management, and prevention of cancer. His book ‘Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer’ is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to understand the science of healing. For a more accessible introduction to his work, I highly recommend his podcast episode with Steven Bartlett.
Remembering the Truth About Your Body
Each of these individuals, whether a physician, patient, or researcher, are united in their understanding of the body’s ability to heal, and that often, cancer, or any dis-ease, is an invitation to reassess our choices and course-correct, becoming an opportunity to heal on every level.
From the power of nutrition to the role of mindset, from leading-edge research to stories of resilience and triumph, there is so much to learn. My intention is that by sharing these insights, you will feel informed and empowered, and find a little relief in the process. This in itself is healing, and remember: your body knows how to heal!
Dr Laura Holland PhD
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