Frontiers in Cancer Care is the podcast that’s stepping right back and taking in a big view of the development of Integrative Cancer Care around the globe. If you’re new to Integrative Cancer Care, this is a holistic approach that significantly widens the scope of treatment in an effort to address patient needs on multiple levels – not just the physical – and introduces a broad raft of lifestyle and complementary methods to achieve this aim. It looks for synergies between conventional and other approaches that have the potential for improved outcomes and quality of life.
Each episode will be hosted by Michael Lerner of CancerChoices and Robin Daly, Chair and Founder of Yes to Life, and will feature a leading voice in the development of Integrative Oncology.
Episodes will be published quarterly on the equinoxes and solstices.
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify.
Michael Lerner & Robin Daly introduce themselves and set out their plans for this quarterly podcast about the development of integrative medicine for cancer.
Mark Taylor heads up an organisation called Patient Led Oncology. After a cancer scare of his own, Mark became increasingly fascinated by the world of Integrative Oncology. He realised that while there were many useful therapies available, a comprehensive scientific overview that would enable patients to make well-judged choices was missing, and that as a result, many people were making mistaken choices that wasted their time and resources, or simply becoming overwhelmed by the range of options. So he set out to find out what is really working and for whom.
James Maskell is a healthcare activist who advocates powerfully for what he calls ‘Group Medicine’, backing it up with both the science and the experience to demonstrate its extraordinary capacity for tackling chronic diseases of all kinds, as well as a raft of psychological conditions. So effective is the group scenario, that it really doesn’t matter too much what the condition is, and while there’s still a need for a clinician to fulfil certain functions, a group is shown to be capable of addressing most of the important determinants of success, cheaply and effectively.
Diana Lindsay is co-founder of Healing Circles Langley and Healing Circles Global. With her husband Kelly, she also co-authored the book “Something More Than Hope: Surviving Despite the Odds, Thriving Because of Them,” the story of her recovery from stage IV lung cancer.
Dr Nasha Winters is blazing a trail that’s bringing change to cancer care across the globe. In this first episode of Frontiers in Cancer Care she shares insights into her 30 plus years’ journey of discovery into cancer and cancer treatment, and how her personal story provided her with the passion to propel her on this incredible journey. The episode ends with an exploration of the potential of an existential challenge such as cancer to completely revolutionise an individual’s relationship to life.
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