The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990
Dr Catherine Zollman
Dr Catherine Zollman
Integrative Doctor
Medical Supporter

MBBS, MRCP, MRCGP, Fellow in Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona

Dr Zollman trained in Medical Oncology before becoming an NHS GP. She is also Medical Director of the cancer support charity Penny Brohn UK, based in Bristol. Alongside her clinical work she has worked as Medical Director of the Research Council for Complementary Medicine, where she co-authored the BMJ Series and Book “An ABC of Complementary Medicine”, as GP Postgraduate Educator with the Severn Deanery, as a Lecturer with the University of Bristol, and as a Macmillan GP Clinical Lead shaping cancer services for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG. She was a Trustee of the British Holistic Medical Association and is currently a Fellow and Council Member of the College of Medicine. She is a member of the Clinical Practice Committee of the international Society of Integrative Oncology.

“Yes to Life provides a valuable source of information and support for people affected by cancer who are seeking to find ways of helping themselves to improve quality of life and reduce their modifiable risk factors for disease progression or recurrence. When I first came across the charity, I was concerned that it might be promoting a rather ‘anti-doctor’ stance and a more ‘Alternative’ perspective on cancer care. On closer dealings, I am now satisfied that their vision is to promote a fully ‘Integrative’ approach, where people can access the information and support they need to help them choose the most appropriate combination of lifestyle approaches and complementary therapies, to work alongside whatever conventional treatment they may be having. There are very few other sources of this type of comprehensive information about Integrative Oncology options which are available free of charge to people in the UK, and this means that Yes to Life has a very important and unique role in giving people with cancer more choice, control and options in what can otherwise be a very disempowering, bleak and frightening experience.”

Other content on this website featuring this provider:
Radio Show The State of Integration 19 Jan 2020
Radio Show Starting the Conversation 2017-2 5 Nov 2017