The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990
Dr Robert Ellis
Dr Robert Ellis
Medical Oncologist
Medical Supporters


Dr Robert Ellis is a board certified medical oncologist and integrative medicine physician. He has practiced oncology and held faculty positions in various medical schools and post graduate training programmes in the US and military for over 35 years. Currently he is the CEO and founder of Integrative Cancer Care Consultation services, LLC in the Pacific northwest.

“I support the “Yes to Life” organisation and its goal of providing up to date information and integrative services. Making access to integrative and holistic care available to everyone is an important part of improving the care of those afflicted with affected by cancer and the loved ones who care for them. The educational services that Yes to LIfe provide represent the most up to date and wide range of topics; its charity and public funding stance makes this important information available to everyone regardless of financial status.”