The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990
Dr Sam Watts
Dr Sam Watts
Integrative Practitioner
Medical Supporter

MCMA, Dip.Ayu, MSc, BSc (Hons), PhD

Sam completed his PHD in cancer research at the Department of Primary Care at the University of Southampton, since then Sam has completed his clinical training in Ayurvedic Medicine. Sam specialises in preventative medicine and the holistic management of chronic health conditions that conventional medicine alone is often ineffective at managing.

Sam has published numerous research papers relating to integrative medicine and has presented his work at internationally acclaimed medical conferences and continues to share his passion for integrated medicine through workshops, training and his practice at Mind Body Medical.

“Yes to Life represents empowerment and a holistic approach to cancer care, and I am excited to support them in their continual efforts to offer an open discussion on a resource database that is relevant to so many people. It’s an exciting time for complementary medicine!”