The complementary therapy service at Parkside Hospital is an integral part of the overall oncology healthcare service, and offers a wide range of support to patients during their treatment at the Centre.
Experienced therapists can help patients with emotional, physical and stress related aspects of cancer treatments. A patient being treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy is entitled to four one-hour treatments, and if undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, a patient may receive six hours of complementary treatments at no charge. These can be broken down into half hour appointments if this fits better into a treatment plan.
All therapists are experienced in the care of patients with cancer and can offer useful support in helping them during the course of their treatment. You are encouraged to continue with complementary therapy treatments at the Centre during the rest of your treatment, or after leaving Cancer Centre London, for a reasonable charge.
Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Photodynamic Therapy, Genetic Cancer Testing
+44 208 247 3351 / 3352
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