Trisha Skye brings her expertise, experience and professionalism from over 25 years in clinical practice to optimise her clients’ health and spiritual wellbeing. Her integrative approach includes working with Kinesiology, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Transpersonal Counselling, EFT, Shamanic Healing and Counselling, Therapeutic Healing and Flower Essences.
Trisha Skye s deep understanding of the body’s energy system enables complex, esoteric principles to be easily translated into practical, accessible tools for living. She brings power, passion, humour and love to her busy healing practice and teaching. Her work combines spirituality with the physical, and inspires people to use and integrate energy medicine in their daily life.
Trisha Skye is a member of the Kinesiology Federation, the National Federation of Spiritual Healers, The Association for Therapeutic Healers, Jin Shin Jyutusu Inc and The Society for Shamanic Practitioners. She is an approved Tutor and Assessor for ATH and was a member of their Core Management Group for many years. She was a tutor at the London College of Psychic Studies.
Consultations by Skype, Zoom, phone or in person.
Therapeutic Healing
Shamanic Healing
Medicina Mexihka- Curanderismo
Jin Shin Jyutsu®
Flower Essence Therapy
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Transpersonal Psychotherapy
+44 207 609 4956
Full Details