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Hydrogen and Health
Show #259 - Date: 24 May 2020

Dr Que Collins explores the relationship between deuterium, or heavy hydrogen, and both cancer and coronavirus

Dr Que Collins
Categories: Innovative Treatments, Supportive Therapies

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Robin Daly: Hi and welcome to the Yes to Life Show on UK Health Radio, the show that’s entirely devoted to integrated medicine for cancer or integrative oncology. My name is Robin Daly and I’m the founder of the UK charity that the show is named after Yes to Life which I set up yesterday 15 years ago to help people with cancer find out about the many complimentary and lifestyle approaches that are available to help improve their outcomes and quality of life. Integrative medicine combines mainstream approaches with other therapies as a means to improve the treatment of cancer.

My guest this week on the show is returning for a second discussion. Dr. Q Collins has, for many years, focused on the role of deuterium in overall health and particularly. In relation to cancer. The understandings he’s gained from this work leads him to have some constructive insights into the current coronavirus epidemic, so I thought it’d be interesting to hear what he has to say on the subject.

I’m talking to Dr. Que in Los Angeles over Skype. Good morning, Que. Thanks so much for making the early start. It’s great to talk to you again.

Dr. Que Collins: Thank you very much, Robin, for inviting me back.

Robin Daly: Listeners have our last interview to go back to if they want to get more detail on deuterium depletion and I will explain at the end of the show how to find that other show, but could you start out with a brief recap explaining what deuterium is and why it matters, how much we have in our systems.

Dr. Que Collins: Deuterium is the fat cousin of hydrogen, and hydrogen is that element that combines with oxygen to make water, H2O.

Known as heavy as hydrogen, it’s an isotope, I get geeky with people, but it’s called an isotope, but again, when it binds with oxygen to make water, that’s called heavy water, you know, and you’ve all heard of heavy water.
When you think about bombs and things like atomic bombs, that really is the same thing. It’s heavy water and that is inside our body. It’s not that it’s radioactive, it’s just heavier. Then you have regular water, which we like to call light water. So inside of our bodies, we know that we’re 66% water, just like earth, just like everything else on earth. If the way we make energy is almost exactly the same way that a water turbine works, where water flows past those engines, and as they flow past those engines to make ATP.

The faster the water flows past, the more engines, the more energy you make. Now, when it’s heavy water, it breaks that engine. It’s called a nana motor. When it breaks you’re no longer able to make energy, then you start to have fatigue.

You start to get obesity, diabetes and, ultimately, as you break more and more of these engines inside your body in a place called the mitochondria, that gives rise to a lot of other more serious diseases like cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s, and ultimately cancer.

When you look at cancer cells, the great majority of them have less mitochondria–that’s engines to make energy–than normal cells. Since they have less engines that get knocked out by this deterioration, they have to use different types of fuels to power themselves.

That different type of fuel happens to be carbohydrates and sugars. Cancer cells, for the most part, cannot use proteins and fats as a source of food. So, one of the first things you can do to reverse the foundations of what gives rise to cancer or diabetes or all of these things that we talk about being metabolic disorders is to lower your determining levels.

By doing that, then you’re able to have more energy and also able to repair or replace those engines before you got the disease.

Robin Daly: So, by the way of grouping these diseases together, you’re saying that they are diseases that have energy problems?

Dr. Que Collins: Yes. That’s why they call them metabolic disorders versus being called a genetic disorder. When it’s a metabolic disorder, it’s a problem of the way your body uses food and makes energy. Those diseases, like cancer, diabetes, all these things, we thought for years that they were genetic disorders, we now understand that they’re not, but they’re actually metabolic disorders. The things that we thought we were seeing on the DNA side is not that the DNA was causing the disease itself.

Although there are some genetic disorders that give rise to disease, for the most part, it is metabolism that gets screwed up that goes back and feeds in on your DNAs instead. So, it’s the metabolism that’s making the DNA that way, and not the DNA that’s making the metabolism the way it is.

Robin Daly: This is one of those chicken and egg situations. The conventional views are that it’s a genetic disease.

Dr. Que Collins: This has changed over quite a bit already. It will become part of medicine itself. We now are having that great discussion, but consensus now within science and medicine is that it is metabolic.
However, is the problem part of the scientific lore or what’s in the community? Probably both. It usually takes about five years for new understanding to really become part of our lexicon and part of our everyday understanding. So, you’re right. The chicken and egg, I suppose. Now it’s going to be, and I wouldn’t say for me, I would also like to say that I don’t really care if it’s the chicken or the egg, because at the end of the day, if you just want to know how it’s fried, right?

Robin Daly: Fair enough. I think it’s a very interesting situation because it’s not like either side of the argument that’s going on disagrees that the other side doesn’t exist. The genetic lobby will tell you “oh yes, of course there is a metabolic problem” and the metabolic side will also say “yes, there are genetic problems,” but both of them are describing the other one as being a symptom rather than a cause.

Dr. Que Collins: So true. I think that’s so interesting. One of the things you must understand that we’re really bathed in water. We make that connection to why all these things are important. We start talking about water itself, right?

Robin Daly: Okay. So, I want to ask you something, a bit of a tangent, but about the current pandemic. I understand you suggest that deuterium depletion as a strategy could help with building resilience in the face of a new virus, such as the one we’re dealing with now.

This should be a general interest to a lot of people, but possibly particularly so to people with cancer.

Dr. Que Collins: Yes. Well, the reason is to deteriorate your body does a variety of things. Quite frankly, the hydrogens are the things in the body that hold things together.

It’s the thing that makes that decides how a protein works or how your muscles work. Think of it as like a Lego or an erector set to where you have little nuts that go on screws and that when you connect those screws and nuts it’s supposed to be a house. It builds a perfectly beautiful house with all the right nuts and screws.

When you replaced that small screw, Hydrogen, with a big screw, deuterium, then what you get is that house doesn’t look the same anymore. It may start to look instead of a house, it looks like a car. That’s really the way it works in your body. So, the more deuterium you make, the more your enzymes start to look different.
If they get so different, then they no longer work or they don’t work the same. Now, when we talk about COVID, your body has a lot of different mechanisms to try to get rid of deuterium, and those mechanisms are pretty much urinating this stuff out because it’s all water. It’s water, folks, water. So, you’re going to urinate it out. You poop it out, you breathe it out, you sweat it out. You do all these things to get rid of it but all those things take energy.

So, in COVID what are we seeing? The COVID attacks what’s called the receptor and there are two receptors. It’s a receptor that happens to be in the lungs, but it’s also in a lot of other tissues, its in brain tissue and tissue in the gastrointestinal track, it’s in the liver and gallbladder it’s in the kidneys. It’s on the pancreas. It’s all male sex tissues, but not in female tissues. These are very important and you might ask why these all have to do with something that’s called the renin angiotensin system, which determines your blood pressure. The pressure is caused by the amount of water that’s in your body. So, your system is a way to control with the pressure of that water is inside your body.

Now make the next jump. If you have heavy water, then the way it’s going to try to get rid of that water, it may take more pressure to get rid of heavy water than it does to get rid of light water.

Of course, if you try to get rid of something and it’s heavier, you’re going to need more force, therefore. The most amazing thing Robin is, if you look at where these two receptors are, they’re in all the places that are important for the removal. So, the gut, the gastrointestinal track is your number one way that you get rid of deuterium.

You eat your foods, which are digested, and then it goes into your bowels. Inside your bowels there are bacteria, literally billions of bacteria. Those bacteria eat and deteriorate, we’ll talk about that later.

That’s why you get bloated, you get all these things in your gut and then you poop it out. Therefore, in the same way as with your liver and your kidney, it’s getting rid of it. That’s why, when we talk about detoxification, detoxification is really just a synonym, a word for getting rid of deterioration.

Then you can get rid of metals and you can get rid of all these other things that these detox things are trying to do. So, what is the connection? If you don’t have phase two receptors, then your ability to control your blood pressure to get rid of deterioration goes away. When we talk about COVID, we know that that gives rise to respiratory distress and really the last thing that happens to you before you die.

And it’s called getting tired. Think about that. You are simply tired out. That means you don’t have enough energy to control the flow of water in your body, and it starts to go to all the wrong places and it happens to be heavy water. Every time that water goes some place, it destroys it. If you think about a river or anything you can control, they are beautiful when they’re going in the right directions, but when they start to flood they cause a lot of destruction, mayhem, and death, and this is what we’re seeing in the coronavirus.

It’s very important to cancer patients and other people that have metabolic disorders. What’s fortunate is that we at the center for deuterium depletion have been studying this for years. Not because of the Coronavirus, but we’ve been studying because we understand this as a way to get rid of deterioration. We’ve known about this for a long time, and that’s the reason that we’re doing so many different things and submitting so many different things to the US government about ways to battle this.

Robin Daly: Right, can I just backtrack on a couple of things you said to one thing you mentioned—the difference between men and women, that’s something that’s come up in the news quite a bit, is that it genuinely seems to be the case that actually men do get this worse than women, maybe you’ve explained why?

Dr. Que Collins: Yes. It’s because we have more A’s too, we have four, eight, two receptors. The virus connects to these AEs two receptors, and when it connects to those AEs two receptors, along with high levels of deterioration, it down-regulates.

In other words, it makes less receptors. So, and for us, for males is more, it seems to be more important, especially for our male tissues. So, people that have prostate cancer, then that’s why we get a lot more pancreatic cancers in women. It seems to be more important because our blood pressure system and NGO system works differently in males and females. And we know this is true because it takes a much longer time to develop that to maturity in a male, which is why you see. More male children show bedwetting to the age of 12, 13, and until they get the puberty. Females this is very rare compared to males. It’s not a psychology thing. It really just has to do with the maturation and of the renin angiotensin and detention system, the blood pressure system in males. And so, it’s so important in early development, it makes totally sense that it’s totally important and can be hit by taking advantage of by COVID.

Robin Daly: Another thing I would ask you about, when you’re talking about clearing the body of deuterium, you talked about doing that first before detoxing from metals, et cetera. Why is it first?

Dr. Que Collins: The reason being is that instead of playing whack-a-mole what I mean by whack-a-mole is that you’re treating a symptom. So yes, you can detox using supplements and these things to get rid of metals, but it’s going to come back. That’s the reason you do a yearly detox or every six months detox because you have to fix the problem.

Instead what you can do, and it’s, there’s nothing wrong with detoxing, but what you can do is lower your levels and now your liver and kidney and detox mechanisms will be able to do that on their own. So, we have plenty of patients that have never been able to get rid of the metals or worms or parasites, and we’re able to lower the levels.

Get system organs now, they have the ability to make more energy and it does what it was made for, and that’s to get rid of stuff. We return to deteriorate levels that we had before modern industry, or really before we became modern man with and destroyed a lot of the things that were needed for us to deplete material: eating right, sleeping, being under less stress. Also, even where we live, being able being outside where all those things that modernity has destroyed.

Robin Daly: All right, so it’s actually all talking about fixing the normal system for doing the job, hence, that’s why you do that first.

So, for people who’ve actually been unlucky enough to contract the virus, are you making recommendations as to what they should do to get through it as best they can?

Dr. Que Collins: Yes. So, there are two things, I would say, not only we’re going to look these two things together, how to help, as a cancer patient or any other patient: try to keep it away. Of course, number one, I would say lower your deterioration levels, that means you have a bigger margin of error, right? If you lower it that even if COVID comes in, it can’t do as much damage because your blood pressure system isn’t as important.

It doesn’t have to work as hard to get that heavy water out because there’s no heavy water there. Therefore, you can outlast it. Then the other thing that’s important, even when you have COVID, the virus, is to get up and move, and do breathing exercises.

We adapted several breathing exercises that help. Essentially, what you’re trying to do is learn to expand your lungs, because if you look at your lungs are huge in modern life we don’t use our lungs as well as we used to. We tend to breathe from our chest, but the majority of your lung capacity is below your rib cage. It’s in your diaphragm. And so, you need to learn how to breathe from your diaphragm, which will give you 30 to 40% more capacity. So, we do exercises learning how to breathe and then cough, breathe and cough.

Because as you cough, it forces that water out. So, a cough when you’re at the end of these breathing exercises is incredibly effective.

Another thing, even though you’re tired, get up, roll over, and stand up. And do these breathing exercises.
The other thing, I am old enough to have worked during the AIDS epidemic, and some people, they don’t remember their history and it’s such a shame. This is very similar to what we went through. During AIDS, when we talk about people not wanting to touch each other and all these other things, but more importantly, we understood one of the big things with AIDS was pneumonia. It wasn’t as it wasn’t as brutal or as effective at, at binding to receptors and the receptors wrong T cells but it also bonded to ACE two receptors. What we learned is we took and we developed an elixir, a supplement that we use that was used for AIDS patients back then with a combination of what’s called carbon Nanopore, a particle, and a lot of other things to stop things that happen.

When you get COVID, the cytokine storm, as an immunologist—what that means is that it’s your immune system gearing up to kill something. It makes a lot of different things come out of all our immune cells and viruses are miserably smart. To have to not have brains, they are amazingly smart to use a cytokine storm to actually help it grow. So, what we’ve done is made a way to tap down that, that cytokine storm, to keep your body’s immune system focused on what it’s supposed to do.

It also blocks the virus because we’ve always worked on this, it has always been a belief that viruses were co-contaminants. If not, if not the progenitors of cancer. We work on ways to stop virus cells, viruses from getting into cancer cells, because that’s what makes them come back and changes them. We understand this. This elixir that stops those viruses from getting in and from replicating. It helps with all those things, also it has enzymes do that cut up all of the mucus and things that go in your lungs.
We provide that to our patients, anybody who has a respiratory problem, we provide it to them and the frontline workers at a lot of hospitals across the country. Now we’re trying to get that through the FDA and clinical studies and we’re making no claims. All we can tell you is that it’s made to do these things, to do those things that COVID is supposed to start. Is it effective? Well, anecdotally we know if we give it to any patient that has gone into respiratory arrest, and they’ve all come out of it. It’s been pretty amazing and so they, we, haven’t lost anybody as of yet of all of our hundreds and hundreds of patients to COVID. So that’s a very, very hopeful sign that it’s very good. It’s something that’s very easy to take.

It’s not a preventative, although I will say it’s, I do have an interesting story. The first patient that we provided this to, and his wife, took it as almost a preventative. We said “why you do this?” and he said, well, I thought I was supposed to, so we took it and then lo and behold, three weeks later, they were finally able to get a test and it showed that both of them had been exposed to COVID.

The incredible thing was, and he has a very serious cancer. After that incubation, 15 to 20 days, occupation, his wife who did not take it, but was a very healthy person, developed the flu, felt sick, you know, yet he, who developed it at the same time, didn’t feel a thing. He’s feeling better than ever.

Luckily, he took it exactly at the right time that he had it. He just didn’t know. Again, we don’t have enough testing, but we’re talking about testing too. Then we gave it to her and the same thing, but then in a day, her symptoms were gone. Her energy was back and she was able now to compete with her husband again on bike riding. So that’s my, that’s my anecdotal story.

Robin Daly: Okay. This is not a drug. Is there any interest in such a thing? How many are you getting interest from, outside, for somebody who might actually want to test it properly?

Dr. Que Collins: Yes, we’re actually trying to get into FDA trials right now. As a business, we’re happy as a business, but we’re also sad that we’re happy because we’d much rather COVID not be around in the world, but we’re fortunate.

And we’ve done all this research so far that can help get rid of it, or at least help patients or people in general, especially our frontline workers in hospitals, in grocery stores, and in agriculture. Besides the doctors, they are being forced to do work that is dangerous and they’re not being paid enough. So, we’re very happy that we may be able to help them too. So yes, we are going to have clinical trials on it. Just like DDW, we’ve done plenty of clinical trials. It’s not an issue. We’ve done plenty of clinical trials, successful clinical trials. When I say plenty, three, but three successful clinical trials yet we’re not a drug yet. I’m going to tell everybody, don’t worry about it. It’s effective. It’s effective on making you feel better, giving you more energy, therefore it’s effective on everything you need, and same thing with the supplement that we’ve made.

I’m going to call it a supplement because it does what it’s supposed to it’s made for what should and anecdotally, so far, it is working is there. We are getting a lot of response to, we can’t make enough of it. Of course, you can, but when people want it, they’ve got to show us that they are positive or they’re in a hospital having respiratory problems because it’s precious and we don’t have enough for everybody, but we will make as much as we can, but we get it to the people that need it.

Robin Daly: Okay. So. Let’s bring it back round towards cancer again. The last time we spoke, we spent a lot of time talking about the principles behind deuterium depletion. We weren’t left with that much time at the end of the show to look at the actual methods that you use to achieve this. So, could you just give us an overview of the strategies that are included in your protocols?

Dr. Que Collins: Sure. I would like to actually transition from there to this and to talk about receptors in cancer. So, when we think about cancer and the reason this is so important is because we know for a fact that better outcomes in most cancer has to do with if you have the two receptors.
Now listen to what I said, the people that do better are those people that have the highest levels of ACE to receptors on their cells.

So, when COVID goes in and connects the cancer cell, it lowers your chances of surviving cancer. So renal cancers, cell cancers, colorectal cancers, liver cancer, stomach cancer, urethral cancer, as I said before, we also see in gliomas and thyroid cancer. All of those cancers in particular, I think it’s important for any kind of cancers, but particularly for the ones that are the major cancers, breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, they are the people that are the biggest targets.

They’re the people that have to make sure they protect themselves most because as those receptors go down, every paper that’s been published over the last five years shows that your prognosis gets worse. So that’s the important connection for cancer patients. Now, we think we’ve had a way around that again, with its deuterium depletion, because it not only allows you to protect yourself, but it also protects those receptors.

Robin Daly: Well, that’s the question. An overview of the strategies you actually employed if you have somebody that comes to you with a cancer diagnosis, what are the things that you do?

Dr. Que Collins: Yes. So, we believe in the German depletion, the biggest thing you can do the most important thing is the standard of care. It makes your chemo and radiation immunotherapy work better. We’ve published papers and a lot of other people have published papers about that. That’s an important thing because now it doesn’t make those more effective, but it gives you fewer side effects, so you’re healthier, you’re happier. When you’re taking chemo, radiation, a lot of our patients end up going to work every day. I look at people and say, “well, you don’t look like you have cancer.” And they say, “I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or insult.”

We believe in a 360-degree approach to deterium depletion. So, what does that mean? We use the churn depleted water to turn the water. That is a special water that is made. We bake it in a GMP facility, which means it’s of a drug grade, a GMP facility that makes water and it lowers your deterioration levels simply by drinking it and you’re diluting out bad. So, you’re just diluting it out. In addition, we change your diet as in addition to drinking it in regular water, it really is in the food you eat. Certain foods have high levels of deuterium. On top of a lifestyle, a therapeutic diet that is free or reduced.

I heard about a ketogenic diet. I’m one of the people that helped really make the ketogenic diet what it is today, but a ketogenic diet, when properly made, is simply a deuterium depleted diet because the foods that you’re eating. A grass-fed animal, a depleted animal because the cow or the pigs, a grass and grub worms, and all these things are deuterium depleted.

So, we work on diet. We also work on what I talked about before, the proper way to breathe. Breathing is very important when you’re a cancer patient for the same way as we talked about it was when you’re a COVID patient or you know why it’s protected you because those receptors on your lungs are important.

We give you breathing exercises and teach you how to breathe through the diaphragm. Most people who have cancer, almost all of them, their ability to hold breath after you exhale all your breath, comfortably people with cancer can only do this 12 to 15 seconds. Some only two or three seconds.

That’s a measure of how much oxygen is in your tissue. If you don’t have oxygen, your tissue grows cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, they all flourish in an oxygen-low environment. Why? Because if you don’t have oxygen, oxygen can’t combine to hydrogen to make water. When it binds to that, the cancer cell or any, it removes the heavy water out and that’s how the body gets rid of it. Again, using blood pressure.

We also have the right type of exercise, every idiot on the planet knows exercise is important, but we’ve developed through our research a way to exercise properly to make yourself healthy. So, we go through that. We also look at the gut because I told you how important the gut is. It’s not that we talk about taking probiotics and prebiotics. We understand how to make the gut work to remove deteriorate.

Another Important part that people often get is the emotional side of things. So, we provide a lot of the emotional support to understand and change the way you think about things. People say think positively, but it is sort of true, we call it our “think right” module.

We fix the way you think, it makes you more positive. It changes your body to where your body believes it’s going to work and therefore it does help. It actually does help. The power of positive thought. The power of prayer is real. We just added science to it to make it predictable and reproducible.

Last but not least is sleep. Sleep is the time which you do everything. Sleep is the most important part of your day. This is why you sleep at least eight hours, at least a third of the time. A third of your day has been sleeping because when you’re sleeping, that’s when your body repairs itself, that’s when your immune system really works to kill cancer cells. More importantly, that’s when your body gets rid of deuterium, when your sleep. Think about this, when you go to sleep and when you wake up, the first thing you have to do is go to the bathroom, right? And that’s the dump, all this deteriorate.

You also have periods during your sleep called deep sleep and REM sleep, which is where your body is getting rid of carbohydrates and getting rid of material. There’s a science word for it, but let’s think of it as big garbage bags, bags of deuterium that is collected all day.

If you don’t sleep those garbage bags get filled up, they burst, and release back out to the system in immediate proximity to those nanomotors we talked about. So, we work with sleep to make sure you get a good sleep and more importantly, a healthful sleep because it’s not the length of time you sleep, it’s the quality of time.

Robin Daly: Okay, so one question about these recommendations you make to all cancer patients, are they the same? There are a million variables at play between types of cancer stages, aggressiveness, the deuterium levels they have, so do you prescribe different protocols?

Dr. Que Collins: Yes. Thank you, Robin. That’s a fantastic question. Yes, we believe that if the goal may be depletion, but there are a million ways, a million roads to Rome. One of the things we pride ourselves in is that we have a database that has thousands of people in it already, and that database is able to show us outcomes. Outcomes of people with cancer, with different diseases, healthy people, athletes, all over the last 10 years. Those are taken from papers that are already published too. So, when a person comes in, they go through what we call our private health detective and it goes through and using a lot of algorithms, what the right modules are for you.

Different cancer patients are different patients, period, get different modules. Maybe you already sleep well. We give you a test for that. Maybe you already breathe well, we’ll give you a test for that. Maybe you already eat well, we’ll give you a test for that. So, we only ask you to do the things you need to do, and then we go back and we test continually if it’s fixing the systems that are supposed to get fixed. Is your sleep now working, is your breathing now working? Are you happier? Is everything working better? Then we can get your portal more tuned in, especially for you, because as Robin said so well, one pancreatic cancer patient or one breast cancer patient is completely different from another breast cancer patient, even though it’s the same disease, they’ve lived different experiences, they have different cultures, they have different needs.

We specify using science what should happen and when does it happen. You may even use the same modules, but you use them differently, or at different times and in different sequence. We do a few things: we try to make a person more physically resilient, cognitively resilient, and socially resilient. That’s our whole goal. We give the patients that come to us a set of tools and how to use a combination of tools together.

Then we try to inspire them and keep them motivated to use those tools correctly. Finally, and just as importantly, we then give them a whole suite of ways to find out if those tools are working the way they’re supposed to, and if not, what they can do to make them work or what they can do to make them work better.

Robin Daly: Okay. I understand. We don’t have much time left. Tell me one thing, how much deuterium depleted water do you recommend for people to drink a day?

Dr. Que Collins: Well, that’s different for different sizes and for different things. That’s one of the things we do very well with trying to make your protocol, it’s going to actually tell you how much water are you going to drink, and when it comes, in turn, for the average consumer. You can end up eating right, doing all the right things. You should probably be drinking anyway. You can drink anywhere from one to two liters of water a day, but I would suggest that you find waters that have lower amounts of material, 0.35 to a hundred. How about the 135 parts per billion, a range. There’s not a lot out there, most bottled waters come from tap water. If it’s the same thing you drinking your city, which means it comes from rivers and that water is about 151 parts per million. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot of difference but when you consider you literally have billions of hydrogens in your body, it’s a ton. So, it is very important, but for the average person the easiest thing to think about is try to drink water from higher altitudes, because the tiering levels are lowest at higher altitudes, and they’re also lowest toward the North pole and the South poles. So, drinking water that’s closer to the poles and from a higher place is much better than drinking water at the equator.

We did a study in Australia where I think we had about 150 to 300 samples taken all across Australia, which of course their water was horrible. There were the third-tier levels were high and they asked what they are. People if you eat right, eat locally, do all the things you’re supposed to do, your bodies made to handle its intuitive levels. People understand if the Deuterium is not the devil. It’s not at all. It’s just needs to be controlled, but in Australia, again, it’s very high across the country. When I was asked about the study and what are they supposed to do, how can they do it, I told him to move because it wasn’t made for the people that are there.
It was made for the aboriginals. I was making a joke, but that is true. That the Deuterium levels for the aboriginals is not a problem. It was made for the peoples on that continent. So, you can’t come into a continent and not change your eating habits, you know, still have English eating habits in Australia with bad water and not see disease.

Robin Daly: Look, we’re going to have end there. There are still a ton of things we didn’t talk about. I’ve got plenty more to ask you about. So thanks very much again for your time, Dr. Que.
Dr. Que Collins: Well, thank you, Robin. I really appreciate this. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate what you do for people, because it’s so important to connect people, give them hope and understand they have a family, especially when you have cancer.

Robin Daly: Thank you.

Dr. Que Collins: Thank you.

Robin Daly: I hope you’ll excuse the LA police siren there. The previous interview I did with Dr. Que. If you’d like to hear it, just go to UK Health and type heavy hydrogen into the search box.

I remind that if you are or know someone with cancer the Yes To Life Show has just launched a new website aimed at supporting you If you’re interested in what you see, you can sign up to be kept informed of the current program of online forums. With a range of experts from the world of integrative medicine, and also get the option of joining or even setting up a local wigwam group near you, a place to give and receive support and to explore integrated medicine approaches to cancer.

Thanks so much for listening today. I’ll be back again next week with another Yes To Life Show here on UK Health Radio.


Kindly written by Literary & Transcript Editor Amy MacLennan