On a lovely sunny July day, we headed to West Sussex. Learning all about the production of linseed from Farrmer Durwin, owner of the farm, was fascinating and fun. Inspirational talks from Yvette Jordan and Pete Cohen followed along with the most delicious healthy lunch put together by the Linseed Farm Team, including of course lots of extras with linseed. A great chance to meet new people, learn and soak up the sunshine in the idyllic Sussex countryside.
Durwin Banks – ‘From Seed to Oil’ – a trip around the farm followed by a demonstration of turning seed to oil. Durwin grows linseed/flax in all its forms and supplies direct to individuals across the country.
Yvette Jordan – ‘The Life of Lymph’ – the frontline defence system of the body. Yvette is dedicated to helping you understand the importance of the lymph system, especially after breast cancer treatment.
Pete Cohen – ‘The magnificent journey to health, happiness and wellbeing’ – Pete is an inspiring life coach and expert at supporting people through challenging times.
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