Acupuncture and Cancer Survivorship: Recovery, Renewal, and Transformation is the first evidence-based, peer-reviewed book to focus on using acupuncture in cancer survivorship. It draws on 25 years of experience of researching acupuncture in the supportive care of cancer survivors, and 30 years of working with people living with and beyond cancer.
Beverley de Valois PhD, LicAc observed and systematically assessed the benefits cancer survivors may experience when they have acupuncture treatment. At its most powerful, acupuncture can be the catalyst for transformation and profound renewal.
Beverley offers this book as a bridge between acupuncturists, biomedical healthcare professionals, researchers, and cancer survivors. She wishes to raise awareness about the challenges of cancer survivorship amongst the community of acupuncture practitioners, and she believes that acupuncture is a powerful tool that can improve the wellbeing and quality of life of cancer survivors. Beverley shares in this book her experience of working in this field from both evidence and practice-based perspectives.
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