The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990
An integrative approach to cancer
Date: 17 Jun 2020
Jo Gamble
Jo was the first functional medicine practitioner in the UK to graduate from the Institute of Functional Medicine. She then completed her Fellowship in Integrative Cancer to further develop her understanding of the importance of leaving no stone unturned, so she could support her clients to dig deep to identify the underlying causes of their disease in order to reboot and rebuild the body for quality of life and wellness. Her work is 100% personalised to each of her clients. She uses science-based evidence, her functional medicine expertise and experience, and the client’s laboratory results to guide their journey back to optimal health. 
What to expect
Jo will give an introduction to Integrative Medicine for cancer and this will be followed by an extended Q&A session to give participants every opportunity to have their questions answered. The whole event will be one hour long.
Jo Gamble
Categories: Doctors and Functional medicine