Two days before Christmas and at just 26 years old, Chris Wark found himself diagnosed with stage III colon cancer. Before he knew it, he was wheeled into surgery, where a golf ball-sized tumor and a third of his colon were removed.
Doctors told Wark that as soon as he recovered from surgery, he would need 9 to 12 months of chemotherapy in order to prevent a recurrence. But when the first meal he was served in the hospital was a cafeteria-style sloppy joe, he had the first hint that maybe, just maybe, taking into account his diet and nurturing his own health might be the way to heal his body more effectively, even if it went against the advice of the traditional medical establishment and his family and friends.
Wark exposes the corruption and ineffectiveness found in the medical and cancer industries while exploring a variety of perspectives and areas of wellbeing in order to shape his integrative approach.
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