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Exercise for Wellbeing
Date: 18 May 2020
Lizzy Davis 
Lizzy Davis is a Cancer Exercise Specialist with many years of experience.  Prior to this she was an Oncology Nurse and CNS in Palliative Care. As well as being someone you can trust, Lizzy is truly inspirational and makes exercise feel fun and manageable.  
Exercise for Wellbeing – your questions answered 
Physical exercise is an essential component of improving both physical and mental health, and during these very uncertain times keeping active is a positive way to care for and nourish the body and mind.   With so many restrictions in place it calls for creative and palatable strategies to help us maintain our strength and resilience. For many people treatment schedules may have been delayed or interrupted or follow up appointments re-scheduled.  This can lead to increasing levels of anxiety and worry about what can be done at home.  Movement is medicine, both during and after cancer.  
Anything that can be done during these times, big or small, could have the potential to dose the body with an internal anti-cancer medicine. Lizzy will remind us of all the amazing benefits of exercise and inspire you to make use of your homes, gardens and kitchen cupboard contents!    
Categories: Wellbeing Practices
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