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How Human Connection Supports Cancer Care
Date: 21 Sep 2020
Victoria will be discussing the role of spiritual health in physical health – and how the things that make us happy as humans also support our bodies to thrive. Victoria will discuss how what we are connected to – from our environment to our work, from people to purpose – can directly alter health outcomes, including improving immune function, supporting detoxification and regulating digestion, energy and overall resilience.
More about Victoria Fenton
Victoria is a naturopath, nutrition expert and functional medicine practitioner whose journey in healthcare began with her own health crisis which occurred at age 17. She only received accurate diagnoses after 8 years of misdiagnosis and misunderstandings from conventional medical professionals.  Even with these ‘answers’, Victoria realised that the conventional medicine approach did not hold solutions to her symptoms. This led Victoria to become passionate about a systems approach to biology; understanding the true interconnectedness of physiological systems and the way illness can occur (and be resolved) if you approach health with this mindset. Over time Victoria was able to resolve her health issues and her work in this industry began.
Victoria has become known for working with the most complex and chronic of conditions – and this is what brought her into the world of Integrative Oncology. Working with cancer from the systems biology perspective allows Victoria to empower her patients with understanding, and she supports them with a wide variety of natural support protocols, wherever they are in their cancer journey.
Victoria operates a truly global practice, with patients in 5 different continents. She works via Telemedicine and has a bespoke online portal for patients to keep track of their care plans.
Categories: Supporting treatment
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