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Day at a time, It takes a village to herd a flock, 26/4/2020

27 Apr 2020

A Day at a Time – A Daily Blog of Life in Lockdown

As the lockdown continues, I am listening to and reading less and less news so as to not get caught up in the pandemic of fear. However, I am finding that the feeling of being alive (see previous blogs) is slipping and with that the inspiration and joy. Writing this blog is beginning to feel like an effort rather than a natural flow from a well of inspiration. The question is how to keep death in mind, how to stay in touch with the fragility of life so as to live each moment fully and completely in touch with what is important.

 The risk from Covid-19 is there but I am becoming complacent about it. I am not self-guarding (staying 3 steps away) from my family and my son does go out, does see friends …. he thinks for himself and has never been a great rule follower. To begin with I was definitely more careful, although not hugging is the hardest thing. Physical touch is so beneficial for us and I imagine, really missed by those living alone during this lockdown.

……… hours passed.

The value of living with death in the forefront of my mind was going to be my focus today and the joy of living took over…. I haven’t had so much fun for a while as shepherding sheep this morning. We have a right of way across our garden and the farmer brought the sheep and lambs down this morning, but it was chaos and they went back and forth for ages before we all came out (the village) to help shepherd the sheep. We felt alive, connected and social distancing, never mind lockdown was forgotten for a glorious half hour!