The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990
Alex Laird
Alex Laird
Medical Herbalist
Medical Supporter

BSc, DipHerbMed, FCPP

Alex is a practising medical herbalist/phytotherapist and founder director of the charity Living Medicine. She wrote Root to Stem: a seasonal guide to natural remedies and recipes for everyday life (Penguin 2019), lectures and has published herbal medicine research. She set up the UK’s first herbal teaching clinic in dermatology at Whipps Cross Hospital and the Breast Cancer Haven herbal medicine clinic. She was originally a TV producer, then an aromatherapist with clinics at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital and at two London HIV/drug centres. Alex’s driving passion is discovering how life is designed at all levels – reconnecting to each other, our rhythms, food and nature to follow our design is key to resilience.

“Yes to Life provides vital information about how we can support ourselves with cancer. There is so much we can do, from understanding food as medicine, tools to manage the side effects of chemo and radiotherapy, to how to manage our feelings to support immunity. Yes to Life’s speakers are not only high calibre, but full of wisdom and compassion, and it is inspiring to speak alongside them.”

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