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A Work in Progress
Episode #2.10 - Date: 7 Aug 2024

Prof Lacey has been in the vanguard of developing Integrative Oncology in Australia. She is Director of Supportive Care and Integrative Oncology at the LivingRoom at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse in Sydney. With  20 years’ experience as a palliative and supportive care specialist, she has dedicated the last decade to developments in Integrative Oncology, integrating  evidence-based complementary and lifestyle therapies with conventional treatments to provide ‘whole person’ care. In this episode she shares some of the successes and challenges of introducing new practices into cancer care.

Prof Judith Lacey
Categories: Complementary Therapies, Culture of Cancer Care, Exercise, Integrative Oncology, Lifestyle Medicine, Microbiome, Nutrition, Traditional Medicines

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