Elysia Therapy Centre is a complementary clinic that opened in 2012 and their approach connects two ideas about the human being; how a person is feeling and their attitude to life can impact on their health and wellbeing, and their physical, emotional and spiritual health are interconnected and therapy on one of these levels can foster wellness on another.
The team divides therapies into four categories. These are arranged holistically, by the part of our ‘being’ that is directly addressed by the therapeutic practice.
In the Physical and Movement Therapies, the healing process is activated by working with the physical body of the patient, either through touch, nutrition or movement.
In the Talking Therapies, the practitioner engages in conversations that activate healing through the consciousness (or spirit) of the patient.
In the Artistic Therapies, the healing process is activated through the patient’s sensing soul activities, brought about by engaging with colour, sound or movement.
The Anthroposophical Medicine category concerns the anthroposophical medical doctor who prescribes physical medicines.
Anthroposophical Medicine: Mistletoe Support
Physical Therapy: Bowen Therapy Rhythmical Massage Kinesiology Rhythmical Einreibung Naturopathy Holistic Facials & Body Massage Holistic Eye Care Emmett Technique
Talking Therapy: Counselling and Psychotherapy Biographical Counselling Mindfullness Oasis Group Work Metahealth and Metakinetics
Movement Therapy: Eurythmy Pilates
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