The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990
radio show
Show #470 - Date: 26 Jul 2024

Kirsten Chick is guest of this show which is part of our 20th Anniversary series focusing on particular aspects of Integrative Care.

Nutrition is nearly always the first place that those looking beyond the box of conventional cancer treatments start to look for answers – and rightly so as it is such a critical factor in our health and wellbeing. Kirsten Chick has long been involved in direct nutritional support for those with cancer, helping them find their way through the myriad of questions and decisions around diet and cancer. Kirsten has recently been appointed as Lead Advisor on Nutrition to Yes to Life, and so is the obvious ‘go to’ for this show on the subject, part of a series for our our 20th anniversary focusing on key aspects of integrative care.

Categories: Author, Nutrition

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