The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990

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Volunteering on the Yes to Life Helpline – Personal reflections

26 May 2023

We are always looking for more volunteers for our Helpline service but thought you might like to hear what it’s like from the people already doing this valuable work.

Volunteering on the YTL Helpline is an Absolute Honour, a Blessing & Humbling– by Caroline

I’ve been volunteering on the Yes to Life Helpline for over a year now. I can truly say that it is an absolute honour, a blessing and humbling to be able to listen, understand, inform, signpostempower and help people affected by cancer, at whatever point of the cancer journey they are at. 

Each call / caller, email or letter is different. It’s usually someone affected by cancer in one way or another e.g. it could be a person newly diagnosed with cancer, someone who has been on the cancer journey a little or a lot longer, a family member, a friend, a colleague or even a health professional, seeking help, support or information.

What inspires me to volunteer on the Helpline?

I am passionate about helping others. Whether if it’s just to listen; have some understanding and/or empathy for what they are going through; research, provide and signpost people with information that could help and support them with their health and wellbeing, at their point of need.

Why the Yes to Life – Integrative Cancer Charity Helpline?

When there are so many other charities supporting people affected by cancer. Integrative cancer care is fundamental to me, as it is evidence-based conventional, alternative, complementary and self-care approaches that could help and support people during cancer treatment, recovery, health, wellbeing and beyond. Yes to Life raises awareness, connects, empowers and enables people to explore integrative cancer care approaches, in order to make informed decisions and embrace the most suitable approaches. It might sound cliche, but integrative cancer care can help support the body, mind and spirit – dealing with the whole person – the cancer, our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental, financial and social health, nutrition, exercise and sleep.

Cancer has been a huge part of my life, as I was diagnosed with cancer in 2019. Over the years prior to my cancer diagnosis, I had lost beloved family members and friends to cancer. An integrative cancer care approach is key to why I am still here today and I am truly grateful, honoured, blessed and humbled to be able to help others on their cancer journeys too.

Why I volunteer for Yes to Life – by Richard

Having had a stage 4 cancer diagnosis myself, and followed an alternative route of treatment, I learnt so much in the process.

One of the reasons I joined Yes To Life was because I know how overwhelming a cancer diagnosis can be, and having gone through it myself, I felt like I could give something back to people in the same position, being easily able to empathise and help sign post those looking for alternative treatment.  

I also wanted to help inspire others and make them aware that other treatments do exist outside of what your treating doctor may recommend and Yes To Life as a charity plays a vital role in doing this.

It’s like being part of one big supportive family with helping others as its core mission and one that I am proud to be part of!


Finding Fulfilment: My Journey as a YTL Helpline Volunteer – By Roshani

As a cancer survivor, my battle against this formidable disease has left an indelible mark on my life. However, instead of allowing it to define me solely as a survivor, I have chosen to channel my experience into a purposeful endeavour: volunteering as a helpline operator for Yes to Life.

I want to share with you the reasons why I find immense joy and fulfilment in serving as a helpline volunteer, leveraging my personal journey to make a positive impact on the lives of others facing similar challenges.

Empathy and Understanding – Having walked the arduous path of cancer myself, I have developed an unparalleled empathy and understanding for the emotions and struggles that accompany a cancer diagnosis. By being a helpline volunteer, I have the privilege of offering a compassionate ear to callers, creating a safe space where they can freely express their fears, concerns, and hopes. The ability to relate to their experiences on a profound level allows me to provide the support and understanding they truly need.

Inspiring Hope and Encouragement – One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a helpline volunteer is the opportunity to inspire hope and encouragement in those who are grappling with cancer. By sharing my personal story of resilience and recovery, I can instil a sense of optimism, reminding callers that they are not alone in their journey. The transformative power of hope cannot be underestimated, and I feel privileged to play a role in fostering it within others.

Sharing Knowledge and Resources – Through my own cancer journey, I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge, resources, and practical insights. As a helpline volunteer, I can pass on this information to callers, equipping them with valuable tools to navigate their treatment options, cope with side effects, and access support networks. By empowering individuals with information, I help them make more informed decisions and enhance their overall well-being.

Making a Meaningful Impact – Every interaction on the helpline presents an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on someone’s life. By actively listening, offering emotional support, and connecting individuals to relevant resources, I can help alleviate their fears, provide comfort, and offer guidance. The knowledge that I have positively influenced someone’s cancer journey fills me with a deep sense of fulfilment and reinforces my purpose as a volunteer.

Personal Growth and Healing – Volunteering as a helpline operator has been an integral part of my own healing and personal growth process. It allows me to transform my own challenges into a force for good, as I turn my pain into purpose. Through this role, I have honed my communication skills, learned to navigate difficult conversations, and cultivated resilience in the face of emotional demands. The act of giving back has become an essential element of my own continued healing.

In conclusion being  a Yes to Life helpline volunteer as a cancer survivor has provided me with a remarkable platform to turn my experience into a source of compassion, support, and inspiration. It allows me to connect with individuals who are facing the same battles I once fought, offering solace, knowledge, and hope. The rewards of this role extend beyond the impact I make on others; it has become an integral part of my own journey of healing and personal development. As I continue on this path, I remain committed to bringing light and strength to those who reach out for help, using my story as a beacon of hope in their time of need.


We are so grateful to everyone who gives their time to help others, and know our beneficiaries and callers feel the same based on the feedback we often receive.  Our Helpline is such a valuable service and it lights us up when we hear comments like these:

‘I understand it was a lady called Caroline that I spoke to on the helpline. She was so kind and helpful with gentle humour. Please pass on my deep gratitude to her since just talking to her made me feel so much better both emotionally and physically.’

‘I found it very helpful to speak to someone who had been through the experience and recovery of cancer.’

‘Richard was a godsend with lots of information, guidance and reassurance. I felt so much more in control of the situation ready to do battle!’

Please get in touch if you might like to consider a voluntary position on our Helpline.  We give full training and support and would love to welcome you to the Yes to Life family!  Email