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Issue 4 of Flourish Magazine, the Balance Issue, is out now!

2 Apr 2024

Issue 4 of Flourish Magazine, the Balance Issue, is out now!


This issue also includes

with myth-busting, our Resources section and a feature on a workshop for local women in the South West, run in collaboration with CAAFI Health and Sirona care & health.

Flourish Magazine is a joint venture between integrative cancer care charity Yes to Life and creative health charity Artlift supported by funding from Macmillan and Arts Council England. The Magazine aims to explore the benefits of an integrative and creative approach to living with cancer. 

The magazine is created with the support of a steering group that includes people living with cancer and partners Macmillan, Macmillan Next Steps and Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust. 

Each themed edition features a range of creative responses, expert information and interviews that offer support and represent the diversity of the cancer community.

Our fifth edition will be published in autumn 2024 thanks to investment from Macmillan Cancer Support and Arts Council England, with print copies distributed across Gloucestershire, Bristol and South Gloucestershire. You can submit your work to Issue 5 here.

As we aim to impact positively on more contributors to, and readers of, this impactful magazine, and continue to seek funds to support our aims, it’s vital that we collate feedback and learning:


Let us know what you thought of the magazine in our quick survey here 

About Artlift 
Artlift is a Gloucestershire based specialist creative health charity co-producing projects and courses for people living with mental health challenges, long-term chronic pain and/or who are living with or moving on from cancer. 

Twitter @ArtliftB
Instagram @ArtsOnPrescription
Facebook @ArtstoMakeYouFeelBetter  

About Yes to Life 
Yes to Life is the UK’s integrative cancer care charity, which empowers people with cancer to make informed decisions about their care options. For well over a decade, we have provided evidence-based information to those in need. 

Twitter @YesToLife
Instagram @yestolifecharity
Facebook @YestoLifeCharity 

About the Flourish Magazine Steering Group
The magazine is created with the support of a steering group that includes people living with cancer and partners Macmillan, Macmillan Next Steps and Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.