The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990


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A brief introduction to the series by presenters Dr Penny Kechagioglou and Robin Daly. ...
Professor Robert Thomas
Professor Robert Thomas is well know for his pioneering work trialling natural agents for use in cancer care and also for his books, including the recent ‘How to Live’. ...
Episode #2.9 - Date: 9 Jul 2024
Dr Nasha Winters, herself a very long-term survivor of teenage cancer with a dire prognosis, is on a mission to make metabolic treatment of cancer available everywhere ...
Episode #2.8 - Date: 10 Jun 2024
Professor Eran Ben-Arye has been in the vanguard of developments towards integration in Israel, as well as an influential global spokesperson on Integrative Oncology ...
Episode #2.7 - Date: 29 Apr 2024
Santosshi Narayanan MD
Santhosshi Narayanan MD is deeply involved in the development of Integrative Oncology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas ...
Episode #2.06 - Date: 7 Mar 2024
Dr Emma Davies
Emma Davies, a doctor working within the field of surgical oncology and Cancer Researcher, found herself thrust into the unenviable position of carer for her partner who had been diagnosed with an aggressive stage IV cancer. ...
Episode #2.05 - Date: 6 Feb 2024
Joshila DeVile
Joshila DeVile has been deeply involved in the exercise revolution that has overturned previous thinking in regards to cancer ...
Episode #2.04 - Date: 21 Dec 2023
Kiki Marselou
Kiki Marselou is an experienced pharmacist who decided to broaden her healthcare skills by training in nutrition and homeopathy ...
Episode #2.03 - Date: 2 Nov 2023
Konstantina Stylianou
Passionate about oncology and about the power of integration, Konstantina Stylianou returned to Cyprus from her studies and experience overseas, and has quickly and significantly affected the culture of the hospital where she works, to embrace a more inte...
Episode #2.02 - Date: 27 Sep 2023
Dr Lucy Gossage
Dr Lucy Gossage is an NHS Oncologist, but also a highly respected sportswoman, with a trail of prestigious achievements. She has come to appreciate the significant benefits of exercise for those with cancer, particularly when undergoing treatment. ...
Episode #2.01 - Date: 17 Jul 2023
Gilly Bertram
The remarkable success that Gilly Bertram achieved in recovering fully from a life-threatening astrocytoma led her to train in nutritional therapy and to focus her work on supporting others with cancer. ...
Episode #1.21 - Date: 26 Jan 2023
Izabella Natrins
With the spiralling number of people affected by chronic conditions resulting from lifestyle, Health Coaching is becoming an increasingly vital element of Healthcare. Prescribing lifestyle change is simple – adoption of those changes is quite anoth...
Episode #1.20 - Date: 2 Dec 2022
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