Julia Lee is a Cancer Coach and Radical Remission Coach & Workshop Instructor. She helps women with cancer to make lifestyle changes that prioritise self-care, boost their immune system and improve their prognosis.
Julia coaches and teaches the inspiring research and strategies from Dr Kelly Turner’s international bestselling books Radical Remission and Radical Hope. These books document Kelly’s research into Radical Remissions, also known as Spontaneous Remissions, when someone heals from cancer or another serious illness in a statistically unlikely way, such as without conventional medicine or after conventional medicine has failed.
Julia will guide you through Dr Kelly Turner’s 10 Healing Factors, ensuring you understand and fully embody them into your daily life.
Book a free 30-min discovery call to talk online face to face.
Download the eBook “Radical Healing: Unlocking the 10 Keys to Radical Remission” on Julia’s website.
Certified: Radical Remission Health Coach & Workshop Instructor Law of Attraction Coach Compassion Key Practitioner Raw Food Coach Kundalini Yoga Teacher
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