The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990
radio show
Integrative Oncology
Show #460 - Date: 17 May 2024

Dr Penny Kechagioglou is guest in the first of 12 monthly themed shows for the Yes to Life 20th Anniversary.

As part of our 20th Anniversary celebrations, throughout the coming year we are having twelve monthly themes for our output, allowing us to focus on a particular aspect of cancer care, and particularly, of course, on the integration of lifestyle and complementary modalities into mainstream care. In this first of twelve, we are talking about Integrative Oncology as a whole, and who better to speak about this than Dr Penny Kechagioglou, pioneering Senior NHS Consultant who is absolutely determined to improve cancer care through the introduction of integrative methods.

Categories: Integration & the NHS, Research-Science-Evidence, Supportive Therapies, UK Doctors & Clinics

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