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radio show
Nutrients on Tap
Show #426 - Date: 15 Sep 2023

Dr Will introduces his doctor-delivered service administering vitamins and pharmaceuticals intravenously

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Robin Daly
Hello and welcome to the Yes to Life show . I’m Robin Daly, host of the show and founder of the UK charity Yes to Life that supports people with cancer in discovering the huge benefits that integrated medicine has to offer them to help them through treatment and to maintain their health afterwards. I’ve been known to describe our country as backward Britain for its ability to resist change and improvement in cancer care and indeed it’s certainly true to say that at this point we are way behind some other countries in that we don’t have one single integrative oncology centre at an NHS hospital, although things are moving in private care, and our oncologists still routinely fail to give any advice regarding probably the single most effective low-cost proven lifestyle intervention, exercise, as well as advising their patients to eat whatever they like as diet is completely irrelevant. So it’s easy to feel that things are never going to change here, but this would be wrong. I’ve been pushing for integration long enough to realise that change is happening, albeit at glacial speed, although that may be in large part due to Max Planck’s principle that science progresses one funeral at a time. But I’m able to look back on 20 years in this field and recognise how much has happened and that the move to integration is gathering pace. In years gone by, intrepid people with cancer would seek out the rare doctors and nurses who are prepared to administer metabolic intravenous treatments, often with our help. High dose vitamin C, for example, has a history that stretches back long before yes to life was even thought of. Linus Pauling, one of the only five double Nobel laureates, advocated for it from the 1960s and it has remained a staple of unconventional approaches ever since. How has it survived so long? Well, because it’s helped so many people with cancer. But such is the resistance of medicine to natural medicine that it is still, 60 years on, considered controversial and under-researched. In a sane world, this could never happen, given the immense suffering that cancer brings and the lack of safe and effective resources to deal with it. Anyway, as I said, change has happened and through the likes of Dr Will, a mainstream medic, running a clinic called Effect, Vitamin C and many other unconventional interventions are now readily available.

Robin Daly
Hi, Dr Will, it’s a pleasure to have you as my guest on this live show.

Dr Will
How do you do? It’s great to see you. Thank you very much for having me on.

Robin Daly
So you’re an anaesthetic consultant and you’re a fellow of the Royal College of Venetitis, which would leave one to expect that you spend your days in perioperative care. One of those last blurry faces you see as you sink into oblivion before surgery. I believe that actually is the case. That is what you do. But you are also surprisingly involved in delivering a very different and novel service, something that could well be of interest to many listeners to this show. So do you think you could describe briefly the service that you’re a partner of?

Dr Will
Yeah, absolutely. So my business partner and myself started a proactive healthcare company called Effect Doctors in 2017. We saw an opening for the need for this service. We started to get contacted by GP friends of mine through medical school saying, Will, I’ve got a patient who’s got difficult IV access. Could you possibly administer this to them in the community or Will, I’ve got this patient who needs to have this particular infusion. Is there any way that you could do it with your anaesthetic IV access skills? And we started to do that for some private GPs and private clients in London. From there, we started to begin to kind of ourselves. So we started off offering a kind of range of infusions from infusions for women who have high-premises gravidarum, which is morning sickness, to infusions for high-dose vitamins. We began to be approached by oncologists. We work closely with probably 10 or 15 different oncologists in London who have an interest in medicine, which is a different kind of medicine. I think the word that is now used is integrative therapy. We often get asked to do high-dose vitamin C infusions, curcumin infusions, artusonates, which is actually an anti-malarial drug, which has been made very popular by Jane McClelland, who wrote the book House Star of Cancer as part of her Eruptosis Protocol. We work with Jane, and it’s been a fascinating journey. Yeah, absolutely.

Robin Daly
I wonder if I can find out some more about that. It sounds like it’s a rather different work to your workers and anesthetists, but it’s clear that your skills are actually translated very well to what you’re doing. I’d like to get the picture of how you got to where you are. Can we go right back and just ask you, first of all, what drew you into medicine in the first place?

Dr Will
Well, I loved biology, and in particular, human biology at school. I I thought, can I do medicine? And I went to a very kind of competitive school in London where I was in set two out of eight of science and I was told age 17 that you had to be in set one to even think about doing medicine. I’ll put medicine in the back of my mind. And then on my gap year where I was going to be, where I studied Spanish in Spain, I met some Spanish medical students and it made me realize that doctors are human beings. And you just need to jump through the hoops to get there. And so I actually went back to school when I was 19 and did chemistry A-level, which I hadn’t done because I was interesting. I’d never been that interested in chemistry. I was more interested in biology and human biology and actually physics and maths were interested in mine. And so you need chemistry to get into med school. And so I did my chemistry A-level for a year in London. And then I, at the same time, worked as a healthcare assistant at St. George’s Hospital. And they actually gave me an amazing offer at St. George’s of a C in AS level chemistry. But luckily I managed to do much better than that.

Dr Will
And I actually decided to go to King’s. So I went to King’s College, London, where I studied medicine. And I found my way throughout my medical training, which is a lengthy, lengthy amount of time into anesthetics, which I absolutely loved. I did something called the acute care common STEM, which involves doing intensive care, acute medicine, emergency medicine and anesthetics. And whilst I was going through placements in each of those specialities, I found anesthetics and I just found it absolutely amazing. It’s- Right, tell me, come on. I was intrigued. What is it about anesthetics that hooked you in that way? It’s the physiology. You know, you have, you see it’s physiology in action. You know, you give a drug, you see an effect. You know why that drug is having an effect. So it’s also pharmacology in action. And, you know, it’s got everything. It’s got, you know, life-saving emergencies. It’s got procedures. It’s got, you know, pain as a subspecialty, intensive care, and then perioperative medicine and perioperative care. And I just find every day is very, very varied and very interesting. So my job at King’s now is doing neuro anesthesia. And I mainly do that, but I also do some trauma anesthesia. And as part of neuro anesthesia, one of my super specialities is doing awake craniosmies. So I know you say the last thing in the patient sees before they go, me, but actually for, you know, probably a few days a month, I’m doing patients who are actually awake during their surgery to often have tumors removed. And the reason why these are done as awake procedures is so that you can take as much of the tumor as possible. And obviously, you know, it’s the brain is, of course, an absolutely vital organ. So if you, so what you do is as the surgeon is resecting the tumor, you check that, you know, what the effect would be if you took that next bit of the tumor out by talking to the patient and stimulating it with often electricity to see whether, you know, they can still move their arm after you’ve taken that next thing out. And so it lies for wider margins of resection. And I love that aspect of my job, you know, talking to the patient and making them feel comfortable through probably one of the most stressful things they might ever do. Absolutely, I can’t imagine it’s stressful. Anyway, but amazing. Yeah, you’re right. It’s an extraordinary job to be doing. And as you say, this is potentially life-saving work you’re doing. So very interesting.

Robin Daly
All right, nice little glimpse into your world there. Thank you. Yeah, okay. So then you describe how you sort of fell into this separate endeavor by accident in some ways. It just came along and it was tough. You were doing naturally. What, at what point and why did you make the link to suddenly think, oh, well, this could actually be a business.

Dr Will
Well, we just started to get very busy and initially it was my business partner and myself running the business.

Dr Will
And then we started to employ other people to help us. So we’ve now got a team of 10 nurses, not on every day. We have two nurses on every day, but we run a rotor and opportunities presented themselves over time. During COVID, a lot of our GP colleagues, who refer as patients wanted COVID tests done on people. And as we’ve grown, we’re doing more and more blood testing on patients, whether that be for our own patients who are interested in proactive healthcare. So we have a range of panels that we have put together, which are for the well person. We call them the well person. And that’s to look at a whole range of different factors. And one of the things I always say is, if it’s good enough for your car to have a yearly checkup, then surely it’s good enough for your own body to have a yearly checkup. Something which is becoming more and more important to us as a business, as a revenue stream, but really, it’s important in our own hearts because I feel like we’re doing a lot of good there. Yeah, well, preventive medicine is the future, really. That’s the way governments are supposed to be thinking. They’re not thinking hard enough yet, but they’re definitely leaning in that direction, aren’t they? Absolutely. I mean, it’s a sad fact that our healthcare really in the UK is predominantly reactive healthcare rather than a proactive healthcare. And of course, I understand the budgetary constraints, etc. And the NHS is trying to become more proactive with screening programs, which are becoming more and more prevalent. And I hope we go more in that direction. Yeah, absolutely. So in fact, doctors, they’re offering cosmetic medicine, I understand, but it’s not really the subject of today’s discussion. But all the other procedures that you’re offering, broadly, under what you’ve just described, this is the banner of preventive medicine, so health-promoting procedures, let’s say. So yeah, they could be of interest to anyone who’s just looking to maintain good health. But the reason that we’re talking today is because, of course, many people with cancer, they seek these procedures out as an essential part of interpretive recovery program. So can we just run through the things that are, you’ve mentioned some of them, but the whole list of things that are on offer. Well, we typically, in terms of cancer, are referred patients for different infusions. So we are asked to do by patients themselves and also by colleagues infusions such as high dose specimen C infusions, curcumin, which is a turmeric extract and inflammatory drug infusions. I mentioned our two cenates. We also have been asked to do a range of other vitamin infusions. One of the things I should say is we, which we make very clear to all of our clients, we are experts at delivery of these drugs, but we’re not cancer experts and we make no claims as to their efficacy. I do find the evidence very interesting in terms of high dose vitamin C therapy, particularly in vitro and that’s, I guess, a multiple hour long conversation. It is.

Robin Daly
Okay, so these are the intravenous drugs. You’ve also mentioned testing. Yeah. So that, you say, is a growing part of what you do. Do you want to just talk a bit about what tests you offer and why?

Dr Will
Well, so it’s part of our well-personed profiles. We will look at your full blood counts and looking at your white cells, your red cells and your platelets. We’ll look at your electrolytes, your kidney function, your liver function tests, your liver synthetic function ability with tests, your thyroid function. We look at PSA in men, which is a marker for prostate cancer or CA125 in women, which is a marker for ovarian uterine and fallopian tube cancer. We also look at vitamins. If people were interested in knowing their full vitamin panels and in our even basic panels, we look at vitamin D levels. 30% of people are vitamin D deficient. We look at iron levels, 10% of women are iron deficient. We particularly interested in ferritin, which is the stores of iron. One of our things that we do is we also get referred quite a few patients for iron infusions if they’re severely iron deficient. Often that can lead to anemia being severely iron deficient. Some people just can’t absorb iron orally or they have insufficient intake or they just can’t get their iron levels up. We have a number of patients probably every single month that we do iron infusions. We use ferrinject for that, which is a very, very high quality iron, which gets your levels much, much, much, much higher. We view ourselves as able to deliver anything safely. As anesthetic consultants, we have full resuscitation capabilities here. Patient safety is our number one priority. We have a great deal of experience in administering different things to patients, perhaps that we might not have administered before, as long as we understand the reasoning for its administration and have the patients feel consent, et cetera.

Robin Daly
Very interesting. It’s interesting because you’ve moved out of mainstream medicine to perform this. As you say, you’re all fully qualified, trained healthcare service doctors delivering this care. That’s very nice for patients to know that. This is not a sort of background effort here by somebody who you’re not quite sure who’s doing it. That’s fantastic. I was thinking to myself, one of the things it seems you offer, which is interesting is that here’s three things we do. You’re actually much more bespoke if you like. You’re actually making things up for people. You’re able to deliver maybe the unusual cocktail of this means or whatever. Is that correct?

Dr Will
That’s absolutely correct. We’ve been in the business for many years now. We have a lot of contacts from really across Europe. We only buy our drugs from Europe. I think that’s actually something which is often asked of me when patients come to me. They hear stories of clinics who get drugs from places like China. They perhaps with unproven provenance. We have great contacts in Switzerland, Germany, France, who we buy from. I have to say Brexit has been an absolute aid in regards to that parcels held up at customs for weeks on end, sometimes for months.

Dr Will
That has been very, very difficult for us and customs is now coming in, which makes things much more expensive for us. But also we have contacts in the UK. We have contacts with formulating pharmacies who can make up medications. We hold on stock about 70 different amino acids, electrolytes, vitamins, medical drugs, supplements. We can make anything up and follow whatever the referring doctor or referring clinician or patient would like to have. Yeah, very interesting. As you were saying there, it spans across from vitamins to pharmaceuticals, to drugs as well. Are you ever delivering these simultaneously? Yeah, we can deliver things in the same session. We always take care to ensure that they are compatible if we’re putting anything into the same bag. Often it would be that we might not have the compatibility data available. In those cases, we would deliver them separately. It really depends what they’re being administered, but sometimes you might suggest that we do it in separate sessions rather than all at the same time. In particular, for example, with iron, I always deliver that as the only drug during a session just because it has a much risk of allergic reaction. I feel it’s important to know that you are allergic to iron if you have iron rather than hiding the picture, for example, by administering a few other drugs at the same time. You don’t know which is actually causing the trouble? Yeah, makes sense. Just for anybody who’s listening who’s not absolutely clear on this, do you want to explain what the strengths are of delivering intravenously over just like taking supplements, for example? Well, it’s really to do with bioavailability. When you take something orally, it goes into your stomach and then it goes down into your intestines and is absorbed along that pathway. Some of it won’t be absorbed, so that’s one thing, and we’ll just pass out. Then that which is absorbed will go via the liver. In liver, it might be broken down prior to being released into the bloodstream. What the intravenous route avoids is that first-pass metabolism and also first-pass lack of absorption. You get 100% of what you want to have. If you want to give mega doses, for example, as I said, clients come to us wanting to have high-dose vitamin C and we can deliver doses up to 100 full tubes of barocca. It’s absolutely monster dose. What it does is it super saturates your body. That gives the effect that is postulated via particularly people like Jane McClelland in being kind of at the tumor lysis. As I said previously, it’s a theoretical thing and we don’t advertise ourselves in any way as a cancer service. We advertise ourselves as a service which can deliver medication safely. Yeah. Anyway, it’s got quite a track record of vitamin C, meanwhile, of course, though, because it’s actually been used by people with cancer for a good half a century.

Dr Will
Certainly, it’s safe. As you say, there’s mounting evidence of its effectiveness as well. Okay, so these sort of procedures, most notably the vitamin C, the curcumin you mentioned, are two to eight. They’re mainstays of many people’s integrated programs with continually growing good quality evidence for their effects.

Robin Daly
So it’s really frustrating for people with cancer who’ve experienced the potential of these things that there’s no interest in them whatsoever within the NHS. So I mean, these are really inexpensive by medical standards and they can help enormously with both the terrible side effects everybody knows about of conventional care and even more importantly with longevity, with outcomes. So why do you think there’s such apathy towards procedures that can be so helpful to patients and what prompted you to take the step to embrace them?

Dr Will
Well, I think there’s a few questions to unwrap there. Yeah, so you said apathy, I think that in certain quarters there isn’t apathy. Doctors in major London teaching hospitals who do embrace these ideas and so I think that it’s just the general medical body. I think it has partly to do with the cost of running randomized double blind controlled trials and putting something through from that perspective for drugs that are, as you mentioned, freely available and relatively cheap. Putting someone, putting a cohort of thousands of patients through such a study costs millions of pounds or dollar. And I don’t think people are going to do that. And so when there’s not a reward at the end of the tunnel for the company paying for it, because any other company can formulate it because it’s off license. For example, if you’re talking about vitamin C. So that’s probably where we are with that. Why did I embrace these things? I find these things very, very interesting. For example, with my own mother gave her high dose vitamin C with colon cancer. But also, I think that there’s a lot of fear in the medical community to put one’s name to something which isn’t nice, approved, et cetera. And, you know, as I said, you know, with our clinic, we just say that we deliver it. And that’s what we do. We deliver high dose vitamin C. We don’t make any claims. And I think there is always a worry about reputation. You don’t want to be accused of giving people false hope because there isn’t this, you know, high level of evidence out there for it. And you have to be very careful, you know, where you sit on the fence in regards to that. That’s fair enough. Yeah. So my sort of summary of what you said to start with about the reasons that maybe it doesn’t get adopted are is that medicine is for profit. Unfortunately, that’s a kind of a quick way of saying it. If it doesn’t make money, we don’t do it. And I think that’s in general, drug companies and that is true. I’m sure there are some not-for-profit drug companies. But if you’re talking about the big drug companies, then they are for profits. But if the health service is only using the products of the pharmaceutical companies, then the health service as well is also for profit.

Dr Will
It’s only using medicines that make a good profit. The thing that’s the interesting ingredient in the evidence argument, which is at least a lot of people are saying it these days, but it hasn’t made it through into actual results, is the fact that there is wildly different need for evidence for something which is horrendously expensive and extremely dangerous and something which is ridiculously cheap and ridiculously safe. And the health service itself could be running a trial of vitamin C alongside everything else they do for almost no money at all. It wouldn’t cost millions of pounds at all. It would be a super cheap trial and could find out whether it actually helped people or not in a short time. But the will for that hasn’t appeared yet. And the mantra of the fact that trials cost millions and millions of pounds and we have to do it this way in double-blind placebo-controlled trials are required for every single substance regardless of what it is. It’s still in play. It’s still that that’s the main narrative. And that is a pharmaceutical company narrative as far as I’m concerned, because it suits them to be the only people who can come up with so. I see what you’re saying. I am apolitical and I will say really what I mean, I see exactly your argument there. I think there will be, in the future, more and more interest in this and it is becoming more and more known. I know in the US, high dose vitamin C is used by a lot of oncologists and I know in Germany, it’s immensely popular and I know of some fantastic oncologists in the UK that are interested in it. And I think integrative therapy with what is really inappropriately called alternative therapy and non-alternative or standard therapy is a good option. I think there’s lots of things that have a lot to offer in terms of cancer care, even as well, things like exercise and diet, which probably were ignored in the past, but more and more known about to doctors. I know it sounds so obvious, but probably 20, 30 years ago, it just wasn’t something which was very considered, but mental health as well and ensuring patients are positive and all of these things have a massive impact. I am absolutely sure on survival rates, if you take a whole population of patients.

Robin Daly
Look, it’s really heartening for me to be talking to somebody who’s coming from the direction of mainstream medicine and embracing interpretive care. It’s usually happening in the other ways that people are trying to persuade mainstream medicine to adopt things from the outside. And this kind of meeting in the middle is exactly what we need. We need people to be looking at what’s best for patients, what’s actually working and exploring it together and whether it happens to have a label of mainstream or alternative or interpretive, whatever it is. That’s not really the interesting thing for patients. Patients want to know, will this help me? And yeah, if people like you are asking that question or looking outside the box and saying, well, actually, this seems to be quite good, that’s brilliant to me from the point of view of patients.

Robin Daly
That’s exactly what we need. And I’m heartened to hear that you’re saying that quite a few of your colleagues are looking outside the box now, are interested in other things because it certainly hasn’t been the case in the past. And we really need that to happen as soon as possible.

Dr Will
I am heartened too. And of course, medicine is constantly evolving and it’s a lifelong journey as a doctor and as a profession as we try to do our best for patients. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So, one of the things that’s in my mind, I’d be fascinated to ask you about it is, yeah, you’ve done this, you made this step of looking outside at things which they weren’t taught to you at medical school. These are things you’ve come across for one reason or another and you found out, yeah, actually, there’s some science behind it and it seems to be helping people and it’s not dangerous, you know, it’s particularly important. And one of the stumbling blocks, if you like, to making that transition into this other world is that the science behind it, the theory behind it is actually different. You know, still the mainstream is still largely that all the thinking in oncology is based on genetic theory. Yeah. And genetic theory itself is more than wobbling in my mind at this point is sort of, it could be said to be disproven, but nonetheless, it’s still the underpinning what’s going on in hospital medicine. Yeah. But outside of that, all this in parallel has been this development of metabolic science, which is the things that you’re offering to people really fall into that category. They’re working, looking at cancer as a metabolic disease. And these are two very different ways of looking at cancer, fundamentally different. And therefore, things that make sense in one paradigm don’t make sense in the other, you know, so it’s a typical bridge to cross. And, you know, you obviously you have done that and you’ve probably at this point take on board. Well, obviously, there are genetic elements to cancer. That’s one of the things we consider. But there’s also all this other stuff here. And so what do you think is going to be the thing that’s going to move the dial here is going to open up cancer as to being more than just a genetic disease? I mean, I think that it will always be partially, in lots of cases, a genetic disease, but also sometimes it will be something which is nurture. I hear people say nature or nurture, it’s situational exposure to something over the course of the lifetime or diet in some area over the course of the lifetime. I think without a shadow of a doubt, cancer is, you know, caused by a multitude of different factors. And I think it’s a very difficult thing to put ones, put a nail into. Like I have said already though, is that I am not a cancer specialist. I’m an specialist. And it really is not my area. And with any of the things that we do, it is, you know, I am administering these drugs. I’m not so perhaps I feel that it’s not a question that I can really adequately answer. It’s just not my speciality. I’m a specialist at drug administration in a safe way, which is what I yeah, which is what I said.

Robin Daly
Fair enough. Fair comment.

Dr Will
Maybe it’s unreasonable to me to be asking these questions. It’s the kind of thing I’m exploring all the time. And I think it’s a really interesting thing to explore. And of course, I think about it. I think about it as a doctor and I think about it. with my family hat on, with members of my family with cancer, and I think about it with myself. I know that I am a very high level of developing colon cancer, having had multiple members of my family get colon cancer. And so it’s a very interesting topic of conversation, which I’m not an expert in.

Robin Daly
Great. So just to come back to what you’re offering at the clinic, maybe you could give me a bit more general idea of what’s on offer.

Dr Will
So we offer really a range of IV options. We have a multitude of amino acids, electrolytes, vitamins, supplements, and IV medications. We have a clinic on Greek Street in Soho. It’s a very, very nice clinic. And we can do alcohols. We cover all of London and by arrangement outside of London. We actually have a license to send doctors or nurses anywhere in the world, except for the US and Canada. Oh, really? The premium for the US and Canada is probative. And so we haven’t taken our insurance company up on that. And we do get asked to go anywhere. Really? I send team members all around the world and all around the UK, less exotically. So if people do want to have things in the comfort of their own home, then that is absolutely possible. Or they can come into the clinic. And of course, it’s cheaper to come into the clinic. And we run a clinic every single morning. The business has myself and three other doctors who run it together. I typically do one day a week. And we take it in terms to ensure we give our clients a fantastic experience. Okay. And obviously, you’re gradually getting embedded in a developing picture whereby this type of approach to medicine is becoming more common, more well-established, and health prevention supporting cancer metabolically. This kind of thing is becoming more common currency. Just interested, where do you see your business go? Well, more and more GPs in the UK and London know that we exist. They know that if they’ve got a click line, but you’ve got difficult IV access, they can have access to anesthetic consultants. We’ve got really fantastic nurses. We have access to extremely high-quality ingredients. I think our prices are very competitive. I know that we charge it often three times less than some of the clinics, which have a kind of shiny, shiny, shiny websites. I’m not saying our website is running, but we deliver the same service at an easily visible price. It’s transparent. And also, we have a very fair cancellation policy, which is that you can get all your money back if you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment. Wow, great. Other clinics who take thousands of pounds, and then they refund anything, ever. And so lots of clients have come to me and enjoy the experience of working with us. And really, where do I see my business going?

Dr Will
I just want to, I would like it if we supported more and more private GPs and more and more patients in London. And perhaps one day we might move to a bigger building. We have a very nice floor in Greek streets, which we’ve made very smart. And we have capability to treat three clients an hour. But maybe we might need to be treating more.

Robin Daly
And do you see yourself operating from any other places, locations? Because lots of people would like to have an outfit like you down the road, but they might be in Manchester.

Dr Will
So we work with a company which we are part of called Alchemy by Effect Doctors. They’re in Oxfordshire, so we’ve got coverage of Oxfordshire, Crossfordshire, the Cotswolds through them. We are helping to set up a company in Wales which will probably be set up within the next three months. That will be just in southern Wales near Cardiff and they’ll be able to travel. We also work with a company in Birmingham who we support, so we have access to send you doctors or nurses up there. We also work with a company in Essex in Rountree. We have reasonable coverage. I’m sorry that we haven’t gone further north than Birmingham as of yet, but if any medical colleagues watching this are interested in working together, then it would be great to get in touch with Wonderful. So you’re looking to collaborate and to expand in that way. So that’s great because obviously in the past these kind of services were hard to come by, particularly locally. For some people it was prohibitive just to get to a place where they could get an IV treatment and if they needed a lot, say they were doing a course of IV vitamin C, they would have to actually go and travel and stay somewhere else in order to get the treatment, which was really prohibitive. If anyone gets in touch, I’ll be able to signpost them to someone, hopefully more local or in the worst case scenario, then we have the ability to send a nurse to you or come to us. And as I said, it’s always cheaper to come to the clinic because the much of the expense of a nurse coming to you is actually the nurse’s time traveling there and the travel costs. Yes. All right.

Robin Daly
Well, look, very interesting. Thank you very much for introducing your service to later as well. I’m sure it’s going to be of interest to many of our listeners here, but I also hope that the effect clinic with its staff of mainstream medics is going to increase the acceptance for the idea of these metabolic approaches as credible and effective. So yeah, that’s something we need to see happen as quickly as possible. So love hearing about your work.

Dr Will
Oh Robin, it’s lovely to have also heard about your work and your journey into how you got into cancer therapy. And thank you so much for having me to talk to you. I look forward to us chatting again.

Robin Daly
Thank you, Dr. Will. Of course, it’s a tragedy that our NHS will not even consider safe and effective interventions such as vitamin C, curcumin and the like. But it’s heartening to know that they are now so much more readily available and at a reasonably low cost. I’d like to take a minute to tell you about the upcoming years to life conference. It’s in London on the 7th of October and it’s priced to be affordable for all. The title of the day is building your integrative cancer care team. And it’s the second of two conferences we’ve held this year around the topic of you and your cancer team. Apart from some brilliant speakers on this topic, nutritional therapist Kirsten Chick, lifestyle and Ayurvedic guru Dr. Sam Watts and Patricia Peat, founder of the unique cancer option service and now the Pete Institute for Cancer Knowledge. There will be 16 workshops introducing ways in which you could find support. Everything from breath work to exercise and from sound therapy to acupuncture. You’ll be able to attend four of these for yourself, but you’ll also be able to learn about them all as well as how to navigate integrative medicine, how to prioritise which approaches to spend your money on, what choices to make if you’re on a low budget and much, much more. I can absolutely guarantee that you’ll go away from the day replete with resources to follow up, any of which could have a significant impact on your well-being. Here’s what our patron actress Samantha Womack, who has cancer herself, has to say about the conference.

Samantha Womack
Hi, I just wanted to share some information with you about a conference which is happening on Saturday, the 7th of October in London. This conference is set up by Yes to Life charity, which is a charity that’s very close to my heart. I’m the patron of it and it’s all about your integrative medicine from your cancer journey. Having experienced this journey myself, I’m still on it. It’s absolutely vital that you get as much information as possible, not just pharmaceutical information, which you’re inundated with, but lots of different kinds of support systems and information that can help you understand your cancer in ways that you can either slow it down or prevent a recurrence. To reiterate, this is not something which is replacing medical care. It’s something that runs alongside of it. So at this conference, there will be, I think it’s 60 different speakers who will be explaining to you how cancer cells work, how they regenerate, and the various different things that you can do for yourself to improve greatly the quality of your life. For me, I know that I was inundated with lots of complicated information, some of which I understood and some of which I didn’t, and you want so much to do the right thing for yourself. The last conference that was held by Yes to Life, I’ve read some of the testimonies from people that attended and they are talking about this conference being life-changing for them, that it changed the way that they viewed their diagnosis. It gave them access to so much information and to support systems. I would urge you, if you have any experience at the moment of dealing with cancer, whether it’s you, a friend, a parent, a loved one, if you can get to this conference, I really truly believe that it can only improve your journey. I have nothing to gain from this. I’m not being paid. I believe in it wholeheartedly and I think it’s so important that you take control of cancer and that you understand that these cancer cells need energy and certain environments to get worse and grow, and there are many, many, many things you can do to help that. All kinds of things to do with different kinds of medication that you could be taking, environmental change, stress, anxiety, breathing workshops, but also more interesting things which are talking about boosting the immune system. Certainly pharmaceutical companies now are understanding that the old ways, which are to kill cells, sometimes can be too harsh and actually what we need to do is boost the body’s immune system so that it can actually target the cancer cells. It’s a lot of information. I know how overwhelming it can be, but information is power. If you can grab yourselves a ticket to this conference, I really think it would do the world of good, so share to anyone you know who might benefit from this.

Robin Daly
So do look at the dedicated website which you can get to at or via the events section of the main yes to life website which is There you can read about all the speakers and the workshop leaders about the workshops themselves and you can book your place. And of course I’ll be there and I’d be delighted to meet any of you who attend. Do make a point of saying hello. So thanks for listening today. I hope you can join me again next week when I’ll introduce another expert from the field of integrated medicine for cancer in another Yes To Life show.