The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990


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Oncio Integrative Oncology App
Oncio is a free app available to anyone affected by cancer that aims to empower you to practically put integrative oncology tool...
Categories: Information, Integrative Cancer Therapies, Support
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Yes to Life Blogs
Blogs covering different types of cancer; therapies and how they have helped individuals, personal stories, recipes and Yes to L...
Categories: Support
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Playing the Battle of the Belly encourages you and your children to make healthy choices when eating. It recognises that we can...
Categories: Nutrition
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Liber8 Cancer Program
The Liber8 Cancer Program is a 90-Day online group experience to help you release the root emotional patterns hurting your healt...
Categories: Meditation, Science, Support
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Integrative Palliative Institute
Dr Delia Chiaramonte, founder of Integrative Palliative Institute, provides clinician education and mentoring, patient education...
Categories: Information, Integrative Cancer Therapies, Support
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Yes to Life Welcome Pack 2020
Our Welcome Pack includes some general nutritional information to help you get started, some suggested books to read, and other ...
Categories: Support
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British Society for Integrative Oncology
BSIO is the leading organisation for integrative oncology in the UK for health professionals...
Categories: Integrative Cancer Therapies
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Ella Dawson Foundation
The Ella Dawson Foundation helps young adults aged 18-30 access tailored wellbeing support packages unique to their needs at any...
Categories: Exercise, Information, Integrative Cancer Therapies, Nutrition, Support
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The Moss Report
The Moss Report is a source by science writer Ralph W. Moss, for unbiased reporting on complementary, integrative, alternative a...
Categories: Integrative Cancer Therapies, Support
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The Moss Report
The Moss Report is a source by science writer Ralph W. Moss, for unbiased reporting on complementary, integrative, alternative a...
Categories: Integrative Cancer Therapies
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Cancer Support UK
Cancer Support UK provides practical and psychological support to people with cancer, during and after the treatment period....
Categories: Support
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CancerChoices was co-founded by Michael Lerner, author of Choices in Healing. CancerChoices is a guide to integrative cancer car...
Categories: Integrative Cancer Therapies, Support
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