The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990


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Cancer Treatments – from Research to Application
Daniel Stanciu, PhD researched and gathered a large amount of helpful information when his wife and his mother had cancer. The i...
Categories: Integrative Cancer Therapies, Science
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Life After Cancer 
Life After Cancer offers a gentle, safe space for individuals to explore what their life after cancer looks like...
Categories: Support
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Yes to Life 2020-21 Impact Report
A summary of the services delivered by the charity over the year...
Categories: Support
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Maggie's Centres
Maggie's Centres helps people with cancer to be as healthy in mind and body ...
Categories: Meditation, Relaxation
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Journeys with Grace
Grace, an audacious young lady, is navigating her challenging world, when she receives news that will change her life forever...
Categories: Support
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Vital Signs for Cancer by Xandria Williams
In Vital Signs, Dr Xandria Williams explains why current medical treatments for cancer are having so little effect...
Categories: Science
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Live Longer, Live Younger: Design Your Personal Plan for a Long and Healthy Life, by Dr Rajendra Sharma
Dr Rajendra Sharma challenges the acceptance of physical decline as “just part of ageing”. Fully updated with Covid-19....
Categories: Nutrition, Science, Support
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Cancer Self-Defense 101: Quick Tips to Help You Survive by Josh Fulton
Cancer Self-Defense 101 scours the globe for the most successful treatments and tells you how to integrate them into your treatm...
Categories: Integrative Cancer Therapies
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Alive, Surviving Modern Oncology by Ann Gimpel
Ann Gimpel is a USA Today bestselling author and wrote Alive based on her personal saga with cancer....
Categories: Integrative Cancer Therapies
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Close to the Bone: Life-Threatening Illness as a Soul Journey by Jean Shinoda Bolen
Sometimes the stories we hear and believe truly become life-saving when the mind and body, immune system and psyche come togethe...
Categories: Support
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The Pain Paradox: How Pain Can Lead to Inner Peace and Lightness of Being by Catherine Rolt
The Pain Paradox is the story of one Chinese Medicine practitioner’s search for the root cause of her patients’ puzzling mal...
Categories: Support
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Extraordinary Awakenings: From Trauma to Transformation by Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor shares dozens of amazing stories of individuals who “woke up” to profound transformation followingintense encou...
Categories: Support
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