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Our Blog

Friday, May 22nd, 2020
Yesterday I made a commitment to renounce the habit of hurrying. Today sitting in meditation, I notice hurry up mind arising. Ideas are coming to me about the Wigwam initiative – the online forums, people to be involved, fund-raising ideas and I can feel the energy in my body wanting to jump up off the cushion....

Thursday, May 21st, 2020
I practiced the same beautiful routine this morning of rebounding, Qi Gong and meditation. What a wonderful way to start the day. I wonder why it has taken me half a lifetime (hopefully) to discover the joy of a morning routine and how it opens up my moment by moment experience for the rest of the day....

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020
Sitting here now, in my body, feeling its weight and the solidity of my feet flat on the floor, mind calm – enjoying the present moment. It is a well-earned! For over 2 hours I have given the mind and body the attention it enjoys, starting with 20 minutes cardio and strength building on the rebounder,...

Monday, May 18th, 2020
Normality – a day of normality on Saturday. I drove my son to visit his girlfriend forty minutes’ drive away. It was the first time I’d driven in 8 weeks and I had to think about where the controls were. Later that day, my sister and husband cycled over and we had social distancing tea in the garden....

Saturday, May 16th, 2020
I was coughing a lot last night and being woken up by it – not Covid-19 – but a reaction to the dogs who have been choosing to hang out on my bed all day. I must do something about that. We’ve been out of our bedroom since before lockdown because of building work....

Friday, May 15th, 2020
This morning I woke up feeling unwell all over and with a mild discomfort in my chest. I decided to go back to the first Qi Gong immunity boost flow practice which felt very healing and positive at the beginning of this lockdown when I was feeling quite fearful....

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020
The new lockdown rules have barely changed for the majority of us. However, just contemplating a change has many people reflecting on the life they have now and the life they were living before....

Monday, May 11th, 2020
So, my new resolve to practice Qi Gong followed by meditation, making up a morning practice of ninety minutes is already floundering. The extra discipline required on a Bank holiday weekend has not been there. Getting up a bit later combined with no work structure or agenda is a definite hindrance to me. I slip into procrastination all too easily....

Sunday, May 10th, 2020
When the sun is shining it is easy to feel gratitude. However, when we experience periods of stress and challenge in life, we forget the very things that resource us. We become over-whelmed by the stress or pain we are experiencing. It is at these times we need family or friends to remind us or books that inspire and encourage us to find peace in the midst of it all....

Friday, May 8th, 2020
Yesterday we chose to drive five mins to a local wood. As we approached on the country lane, we could see from a distance the blue beneath the trees on one side. We parked up and entered on the opposite side of the road, walking through an initial boundary of trees,...

Thursday, May 7th, 2020
It is a strange thing feeling absolutely fine and healthy on the whole but being on the government’s vulnerable list. I was reminded of this twice yesterday with a call from Oxford County Council to check that I was alright and still getting my shopping and medication without a problem....

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020
This morning I was sitting working in the kitchen, attempting to quickly get something sent off before going upstairs, showering and settling myself into some work....

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