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radio show
Conscious Cookery
Show #465 - Date: 21 Jun 2024

Chef Hayley North advocates for a much bigger view of the role of food and its preparation in our overall health and wellbeing.

Hayley North is a very experienced chef who looks at the preparation of food as a meditation and the consumption of carefully prepared meals as a means to strengthen and deepen our connection to nature, to life. This idiosyncratic approach to cookery is worlds away from the rushed convenience food world we now inhabit, which only serves to strengthen Hayley’s conviction in the thoughtful and caring relationship to food preparation that she advocates for and is so passionate about.

Hayley also runs a “Seasonal Nutrition and Mindful Cooking Workshop” as part of the Yes to Life Wellbeing Sessions. The next session is on Thursday 11th July and the focus of the workshops are supporting our immune system and nourishing the body during times of seasonal change.

Seasonal Nutrition and Mindful Cooking Workshop 2024 Dates

10.30-12.00 Friday 22nd March
15.00-16.30 Thursday 11th July
10.30-12.00 Friday 11th October
10.30-12.00 Friday 13th December

Categories: Lifestyle Medicine, Nutrition

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