The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990

Our Blog

Wednesday, December 8th, 2021
Everybody has their own way of dealing with their cancer journey, but the thought of fighting it never made sense to me. I thought that this week’s Blog could be the sharing of these ideas: In my childhood I was surrounded by my parents arguing and fighting. My mother would take solace in alcohol and... Read more »...

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021
Dr Lorenzo Cohen and Alison Jefferies in their book ‘Anti-Cancer Living’ list ‘Rest and Recovery’ as one of the six basics to try and get right. Some of us living with cancer can sometimes forget this and spend more energy on other interventions and forget this crucial area of our life. At a recent Yes... Read more »...

Monday, November 22nd, 2021
‘We’ve just had a Wigwam Cancer Support Group discussion that looked at environmental toxins. We looked at what some of the issues are and what we can do to help. At the end of this blog are some further notes about reducing the toxic load. We’ve also got a wonderful list on indoor air pollution... Read more »...

Monday, October 18th, 2021
Introducing Ereni Mendrinos who shares more about how the new Wigwam Sound and Voice Sanctuary has come to be… I am sitting here with the shifting, rumbling earth beneath me, as my husband and I are currently based in Crete. We have felt earthquakes here before but in the last weeks there were big ones... Read more »...

Monday, September 27th, 2021
A blog by Yoga Therapist Jackie Hayfield. On Thursday 21st June 2018, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was reassured that it was treatable, and I should stay positive, but I didn’t feel very positive about the prospect of negotiating my way through 6 rounds of chemotherapy and biological drugs, followed by surgery, and... Read more »...

Sunday, September 5th, 2021
Robin Daly, Chair and Founder of Yes to Life originally wrote this blog in 2018 but has now updated it as this issue is alive today. If there’s one thing that’s clear from 16 years of developing Yes to Life, it’s that – in the main – men don’t do Complementary Medicine. At least not... Read more »...

Monday, August 23rd, 2021
This blog is by Philip Booth, Wigwam Coordinator, and is adapted from a blog he wrote last year on his personal blog site (i). It’s all very well talking about stuff like increasing exercise, juicing, best times to eat, self massage, cold showers and more, but the biggest challenge is often how to make those... Read more »...

Monday, August 9th, 2021
Blog by Robin Daly – This article first appeared in Health Triangle – check out this great magazine at: When I set up Yes to Life some sixteen years ago, no-one was talking about Integrative Medicine or Lifestyle Medicine – it was Complementary and Alternative Medicine or CAM for short, and, particularly in the... Read more »...

Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
Following on from Best Books for those newly diagnosed with cancer we have now asked our Wigwam members and Yes to Life team which books they would recommended for good nutrition and great recipes. In the first section we have books with cancer-related or focused information and in the second section general cook books that... Read more »...

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021
Philip Booth takes a look at what our Wigwam members and Yes to Life team books folks would recommended for someone newly diagnosed with cancer.   We had several books that got repeated recommendations which we include first and then we list the others that got a mention. Do feel free to add comments if... Read more »...

Monday, July 5th, 2021
This week’s blog is from Karin, a Wigwam member, sharing some of her cancer journey. We had just completed a 9 mile training run for Stroud Half, when I got my first shielding letter. Stay at home. Stay local. Don’t meet anyone. Look out the window. Only exercise once a day. I was in shock.... Read more »...

Friday, June 18th, 2021
In this blog post we are joined by breast cancer thriver Liz Keates sharing her experience of diagnosis, mastectomy and reconstruction. Life Shocked Aged 43 and with no family history of breast cancer, I was totally ‘life shocked’ when I received my breast cancer diagnosis. When I arrived in the consulting room I was sitting... Read more »...

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