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Our Blog

Sunday, May 10th, 2020
When the sun is shining it is easy to feel gratitude. However, when we experience periods of stress and challenge in life, we forget the very things that resource us. We become over-whelmed by the stress or pain we are experiencing. It is at these times we need family or friends to remind us or books that inspire and encourage us to find peace in the midst of it all....

Friday, May 8th, 2020
Yesterday we chose to drive five mins to a local wood. As we approached on the country lane, we could see from a distance the blue beneath the trees on one side. We parked up and entered on the opposite side of the road, walking through an initial boundary of trees,...

Thursday, May 7th, 2020
It is a strange thing feeling absolutely fine and healthy on the whole but being on the government’s vulnerable list. I was reminded of this twice yesterday with a call from Oxford County Council to check that I was alright and still getting my shopping and medication without a problem....

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020
This morning I was sitting working in the kitchen, attempting to quickly get something sent off before going upstairs, showering and settling myself into some work....

Tuesday, May 5th, 2020
During this period in history, although I listen to very little news, I keep catching stories evidencing the amount of kindness in our communities and out in the world....

Friday, May 1st, 2020
his morning I woke up with what would normally be time to enjoy my coffee peacefully for an hour, practice Qi Gong for another hour and write my blog before a 10.00 am Zoom meeting....

Thursday, April 30th, 2020
I woke up surprisingly late this morning, 7.35 am and felt happy to have enjoyed a long, relaxing sleep full of vivid dreaming. I finished yesterday’s blog over coffee and then moved into practicing Qi Gong. This practice is helping me feel strong on every level....

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
Wakening to the soft sound of the rain today and allowing it to permeate my being as I go through the day. This gentle, enduring rain is reminiscent of the Lake District....

Tuesday, April 28th, 2020
Qi Gong practice includes flowing movements, where you move the body with the breath. Practicing this with intentionally slower movements, the breath and the body become one. It is as though the mind gives up wanting to rush onto something else and settles into just this, just this present moment....

Monday, April 27th, 2020
As the lockdown continues, I am listening to and reading less and less news so as to not get caught up in the pandemic of fear. However, I am finding that the feeling of being alive (see previous blogs) is slipping and with that the inspiration and joy....

Saturday, April 25th, 2020
For many of us this lockdown feels like a not unwelcome pause from the busyness of our usual lives but for so many others it is catastrophic threatening their mental health, personal safety and security or with the loss of loved ones in the most difficult of circumstances....

Friday, April 24th, 2020
Margaret Atwood was on the radio talking about people writing journals during the black death. She said writing a journal lessons anxiety. As I wrote in the introduction to this blog, in challenging times I always turn to this....

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