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Yes to Life's website content is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, nor is it intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. The information is for educational and informational purposes only and has not been reviewed by medical doctors or oncologists. Cancer is a highly complex group of diseases, and it is known to manifest differently in different people, often responding more favourably to individualised approaches to treatment and care. Yes to Life advocates that any person diagnosed with, or suspected of having, cancer, consults with a suitably qualified and experienced medical professional before initiating any type of therapy or supportive treatment. Click here to read our full Disclaimer.
Medicinal Herbs
Also Known As:
Phytomedicine, botanical medicine, herbal medicine, plant medicine

Medicinal herbs refers to the use of plants for prevention and treatment of diseases. Medicinal herbs can help prevent cancer, or it can help you heal from it if you already have cancerous tumours in your body. But being “natural” doesn’t necessarily mean they’re safe to take. Just like conventional medicines, herbal medicines have an effect on the body, and can be potentially harmful if not used correctly.


Medicinal herbs refers to the use of plants for prevention and treatment of diseases. (1) There is an answer in nature for every challenge that humans and our animal companions face. Cancer is no different. Medicinal herbs can help prevent cancer, or it can help you heal from it if you already have cancerous tumours in your body. Using cancer fighting herbs along with an alkaline based diet can help you reverse the cause of cancer and stop it from coming back again. (11)

It is estimated that every 18 months, the entire cellular structure of our bodies is replaced. Even with significant pharmaceutical developments, new cancer therapies have a serious flaw, in that  cancer cells develop resistance to the drug used for the treatment, according to Professor Paul Workman of Cancer Research UK’s Centre for Cancer Therapeutics. Therefore, despite all the advances in pharmaceutical medical science, there is something in our body that has a natural reversion to old type-models. (9)

In the Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a specific concept for tumour, but not for cancer. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that tumour can be caused by internal and external factors. Internal factors include qi stagnation and blockage of qi in internal organs in the body. External factors include toxins from the environment. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, cancer is the manifestation of an underlying imbalance, and a tumour is the uppermost branch of the illness, but not the root. (8)

More than 30% of the entire plant species, at one time or other, have been used for medicinal purposes. It has been estimated that in developed countries such as United States, plant drugs constitute a much as 25% of the total drugs, while in fast developing countries such as China and India, the contribution is as much as 80%. Chinese, Indian, Arabian and other traditional systems of medicines make extensive use of about 5,000 plants. (7)

Medicinal herbs and their derivative phytocompounds are being increasingly recognised as useful complementary treatments for cancer. A large volume of clinical studies has reported the beneficial effects of herbal medicines on the survival, immune modulation, and quality of life of cancer patients, when these herbal medicines are used in combination with conventional therapeutics. A range of clinical studies have indicated that a spectrum of anti-cancer activities from various herbal medicines can be detected. (3)

Medicinal Herbs with Anti-Cancer Properties

  • Artemisinin (Qing Hao Su)
  • Ashwagandha
  • Asparagus (Tian Men Dong)
  • Astragalus (Huang Qi)
  • Bee propolis and pollen
  • Berberis
  • Bloodroot
  • Brahmi
  • Burdock root
  • Butchers’ Broom
  • Cat’s Claw
  • Chamomile
  • Chaparral
  • Curry Leaves
  • Dang Shen
  • Echinacea
  • Essiac (herbal blend)
  • Evening primrose oil
  • Feverfew
  • Flax Seeds
  • Garlic Cloves
  • Ginger
  • Gingko
  • Ginseng
  • Goldenseal
  • Guduchi
  • Holy Basil
  • Indian Rhubarb
  • Lavender Flower
  • Licorice (Gan Cao)
  • Milk thistle
  • Mistletoe
  • Moringa Tree
  • Neem
  • Noni
  • Parsley
  • Pau D’arco
  • Poria (Fu Ling)
  • Red clover
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Saint John’s wort
  • Sanjeevani
  • Saw palmetto
  • Skullcap (Huang Qin)
  • Sheep Sorrel
  • Slippery Elm
  • Snake-Needle Grass (Bai Hua She She Ca)
  • Sutherlandia
  • Sweet Wormwood
  • Thyme
  • Thorowax (Hare’s ear)
  • Turmeric (Curcumin)
  • Ukrain (Chelidonium)
  • Valerian Root
  • Wheatgrass

Plants have been used for medicinal purposes long before recorded history. Ancient Chinese and Egyptian papyrus writings describe medicinal uses for plants as early as 3,000 BC. Indigenous cultures (such as African and Native American) used herbs in their healing rituals, while others developed traditional medical systems (such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine) in which herbal therapies were used. Researchers found that people in different parts of the world tended to use the same or similar plants for the same purposes.

In the early 19th century, when chemical analysis first became available, scientists began to extract and modify the active ingredients from plants. Later, chemists began making their own version of plant compounds and, over time, the use of herbal medicines declined in favour of pharmaceutical drugs. Around a quarter of pharmaceutical drugs are derived from botanicals. The World Health Organisation has estimated that 80% of people worldwide rely on herbal medicines for some part of their primary health care.

Plants have long been recognised for their therapeutic properties. For centuries, indigenous cultures around the world have used traditional herbal medicine to treat a myriad of maladies. By contrast, the rise of the modern pharmaceutical industry in the past century has been based on exploiting individual active compounds with precise modes of action. This surge has yielded highly effective drugs that are widely used in the clinic, including many plant natural products and analogues derived from these products, but has fallen short of delivering effective cures for complex human diseases with complicated causes, such as cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disorders and degenerative diseases. While the plant kingdom continues to serve as an important source for chemical entities supporting drug discovery, the rich traditions of herbal medicine developed by trial and error on human subjects over thousands of years contain invaluable biomedical information just waiting to be uncovered using modern scientific approaches. (2)


Herbal medicines are those with active ingredients made from plant parts, but being “natural” doesn’t necessarily mean they’re safe to take. Just like conventional medicines, herbal medicines have an effect on the body, and can be potentially harmful if not used correctly. They should therefore be used with the same care and respect as conventional medicines. (4)

Most herbs have not been completely tested to see how well they work or to see if they interact with other herbs, supplements, medicines, or foods. Products added to herbal preparations may also cause interactions. (5)

We live in a world of manufactured medicines and prescriptions. But a lot of us now are turning back to the medicinal plants and herbal remedies that can heal and boost physical and mental wellbeing. But the power of these medicinal herbs is still being explored. They aren’t a cure for everything; in fact, many carry the same risks and side effects as manufactured medicines. Many of them are sold with false promises. Avoid using herbs for infants and children and for those who are pregnant and breastfeeding. (6)

Research in a developing field of medicine known as integrative oncology is attempting to understand which complementary therapies, including herbal medicines, are safe and effective to combine with conventional cancer treatments. Herbs are generally recognised as safe but patients must remember that herbal remedies are still a type of medicine. Research on herbs suggests they may help to:

  • Boost the immune system
  • Ease cancer symptoms
  • Reduce treatment side effects
  • Slow cancer spreading (metastasis)
  • Attack cancer cells (10)

Medicinal plants are categorised based on the parts of the plant used: whole plan, root, stem, bark, leaf, flower, fruit and seed. Several formulations  like herbal  teas,  extracts,  decoctions,  infusions,  tinctures,  etc are prepared from medicinal plants. (7)

Tips for Herbal Support for Breast Cancer by Alex Laird BSc FCPP Medical Herbalist – click here to read

If you are looking for a herbal practitioner please see the referral directories of your country or region:


(1) Herbal Medicine Today: Clinical and Research Issues, Fabio Firenzuoli and Luigi Gori, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2007 Sep; 4(Suppl 1): 37–40. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

(2) Li FS, Weng JK. Demystifying traditional herbal medicine with modern approach. Nat Plants. 2017;3:17109. Published 2017 Jul 31. doi:10.1038/nplants.2017.109

(3) Therapeutic Applications of Herbal Medicines for Cancer Patients, Shu-Yi Yin, Wen-Chi Wei, Feng-Yin Jian and Ning-Sun Yang, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013: 302426. Published online 2013 Jul 11 

(7) Medicinal Plants, P. P. Joy, J. Thomas, Samuel Mathew, Baby P. Skaria, KERALA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station

Other sources:

(4) NHS Herbal Medicines

(5) A Guide to Common Medicinal Herbs University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, NY

(6) Nature’s 9 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants and the Science Behind Them , Healthline

(8) Chinese Medicine Treatment for Cancer, The Traditional Chinese Medicine Simple

(9) A Review of Herbs and Cancer, Cancer Active

(10) Is Herbal Medicine Effective in Cancer Care?

(11) Herbal Remedies for Cancer

Banned and restricted herbal ingredients according to the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)


Cost varies according to treatment plan.

Last Updated:28/05/2020
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Kathryn Alexander

Kathryn Alexander specialises in the field of detoxification and dietary healing, qualifying as a Dietary Therapist in 1987, having studied under Dr Lawrence Plaskett at the College of Dietary Therapy, London. ...
Damián Allegretti
Damián Allegretti is licensed Acupuncture & Herbalist, a nutritional therapist and a Chinese Medicine practitioner, successfully blending Western science with Eastern wisdom ...
Owen Okie - Bo Gort
Lochbroom, Scotland UK

Bo Gort and Owen Okie are committed to helping clients grow and flourish, using a range of tools and approaches to help you move towards greater fulfilment and mental or physical health ...
Manuela Malaguti Boyle

Manuela Boyle is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, and has a background in evidence-base integrative cancer care therapies. ...
Carolina Brooks
London, UK

Carolina Brooks is a fully certified functional medicine practitioner (IFMCP) and has also studied Naturopathy, Nutritional Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Auricular Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine ...
Nadia Brydon
Llandeilo, Wales UK

Nadia is passionate about supporting and guiding plant-based therapeutic nutritional changes and teaching how to live closer to the laws of nature believing that nature is our greatest healer and teacher ...
Chanchal Cabrera
Courtenay, Canada

Chanchal Cabrera’s clinical specialty is helping people manage cancer, offering a series of herbal education programs ...
Hannah Charman
Highley, UK

Hannah Charman offers natural herbal menopause treatments for patients has gone into early menopause due to cancer treatment those that are struggling with menopause after cancer ...
Dr Rosy Daniel
Bath, UK

Dr Rosy Daniel works as an Integrated Medicine Consultant for individuals with cancer seeking advice on how to integrate alternative, complementary and self-help approaches ...
Dr Emma Davies
Stockbridge, UK England (SouthEast)

Dr Emma Davies worked in surgical oncology and is an integrative oncology doctor ...
Altair de Almeida
Altair de Almeida has been training in Holistic Medicine since 1975 including Feng Sui, Meditation, Nutrition and Spiritual Healing ...
Dr Sean Devlin
Dr Sean Devlin, DO, HMD Integrative Medicine & Integrative Oncology, is one the founders of the International Organisation of Integrative Cancer Physicians (IOICP) ...
Dr Damien Downing
Dr Damien Downing MBBS, MRSB practises Ecological Medicine, allergy (or immune dysfunction), the identification and treatment of damaged or disordered immunity ...
Dr Chris Etheridge
Christopher Etheridge is a Medical Herbalist (Phytotherapist) with experience as a herbal practitioner, researcher and writer, and an Integrated Cancer Specialist ...
Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel
Stockbridge, UK England (SouthEast)

Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel is an award-winning Oxbridge-trained integrative medicine doctor, scientist and educator ...
Dr George Georgiou
Larnaca, Cyprus

Dr George Georgiou is a naturopathic doctor and holistic expert in Larnaca Cyprus and created the IDEL Diagnostic Programme ...
Carol Granger
Carol Granger is a registered nutritional therapist and herbalist, and works based on the principle of Food First ...
Dr Andrew David Greenland
Twickenham, UK

Dr Andrew Greenland MBBS (Lond) ND DipHerb DipOstMed MRCSEd FRCEM IFMCP is a specialist in Integrated Medicine, Functional Medicine, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine and Bredesen Protocol ...
Dr Peter Gruenewald
London, UK

Dr Peter Gruenewald is an Integrated Physician and General Practitioner with a special interest in anthroposophic, homeopathic, herbal and functional medicine ...
Dr Charles Innes
Dr Charles Innes MBBS BSc (Hons) MNIMH MFHom RSHom is a London-based medical doctor, practicing complementary medicine, medical herbalism, homeopathy and healing ...
Dr Milind Jani
Brighton & Hove, UK - England (South East)

Husband and wife, Milind and Asmita have a great passion towards Ayurveda and have a philosophy that they love to share which is caring for your natural wellbeing ...
Olena Jones
Stockbridge, UK England (SouthEast)

Olena Jones is a CNHC and BANT registered nutritionist and nutritional therapy practitioner ...
Korina Karadimou
Stockbridge, UK England (SouthEast)

Korina Karadimou is a BANT-registered nutritionist and nutritional therapy practitioner specialising in integrative cancer nutrition support ...
Steve Kippax
London, UK

Steve Kippax practices The Four Pillars of Health which will allow us to support and maintain our wellbeing, and when disease occurs, will hasten a speedy recovery ...
Alex Laird
London, UK

Alex Laird BSc FCPP is a medical herbalist and the Founding Director of Living Medicine charity to skill people in growing and using food and herbs ...
Dr Kandis Lock
Ottawa, Canada

Kandis Lock is a Naturopathic Doctor, registered with the College of Naturopaths (CONO) and is a member of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) ...
Emma Marshall
Emma Marshall is a registered Nutritional Therapist and Certified Oncology Nutrition Consultant, as well as an experienced chef who specialises in working with breast cancer patients ...
Dr Thomas Marshall-Manifold
Wimbledon, UK - England (South East)

Dr Thomas Marshall-Manifold practises complementary medicine after having studied for and achieved numerous qualifications in the field of natural health, chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal and complex homeopathic medicine ...
Henry McGrath
Bristol, UK

Henry McGrath specialises in working with people who have serious chronic diseases, such as cancer ...
Dr Sally Moorcroft
Dr Sally Moorcroft is one of the most highly trained Integrative and Functional Medicine doctors in the UK and the co-founder of the Northern Centre of Integrative and Functional Medicine (NCIFM) ...
Danny O'Rawe
Belfast, UK - Nothern Ireland

Danny O’Rawe at the Belfast Herbalist holds an MSc in Herbal Medicine and is a Registered Naturopath with the General Naturopathic Council ...
Kate Scott
Berkshire, UK - England (South West)

Kate Scott is a Medical Herbalist with experience at The Haven breast cancer care unit in London ...
Dr Rajendra Sharma
Dr Rajendra Sharma is an Integrated Medical Doctor utilising conventional, complementary and functional medicine ...
Wendy Smith
London, UK - England (South East)

Wendy Smith is an experienced Nutritional Therapist specialising in metabolic/inflammatory conditions, most notably cancer ...
Dr Christine Suppelt
Maidstone, UK

Dr Christine Suppelt is a Homeopathic Physician, Medical Acupuncturist and Ophthalmic Surgeon offering Integrated Medicine in Maidstone, Kent ...
Dr Xandria Williams
London, UK

Dr Xandria Williams combines her naturopathic training, and biochemical understanding of nutrition and human health with herbal medicine ...
Belfast Herbalist
Belfast, UK - Nothern Ireland

Belfast Herbalist is a clinic run by Danny O’Rawe, a private practitioner specialising in herbal medicine. ...
Blackheath Complementary Health Centre
London, UK - England (South East)

Blackheath Complementary Health Centre is a multi-disciplinary practice providing complementary and alternative approaches to health care ...
Elysia Therapeutic Centre
Stourbridge, UK

The Elysia Therapeutic Centre is a complementary clinic applying anthroposophical medicine and mistletoe support ...
Epping Clinic of Herbal Medicine
Epping, UK - England (South East)

Medical herbalist Chris Etheridge supports cancer patients during treatment with dietary and lifestyle advice, together with in-depth recommendations ...
Filderklinik (The)
Bonlanden Near Stuttgart, Germany

Die Filderklinik (The Filder Clinic) provides integrative treatment concepts based on anthroposophic medicine, including holistic therapies to improve the quality of life ...
Five Seasons Health
Scottsdale, United States

Five Seasons Health offer a wide variety of services provided by Robert Ellsworth NMD, Jeffrey Lee NMD and Serena Clark LPN ...
Klinik St. George
Bad Aibling, Germany

Klinik St George is an integrated clinic offering conventional medicine (surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy) and nutritional supplements ...
Lococo Wellness Clinic
Hannon, Canada

The Lococo Wellness Clinic uses naturopathic medicine to treat the root cause of diseases ...
London Integrated Health Clinic
London, UK

The London Integrated Health Clinic is a private hospital which offers personalised integrated health care based on conventional and complementary medicine ...
Mederi Center Clinic
Ashland, USA

Mederi Center clinicians practice a whole system, unitive approach called Mederi Care (otherwise known as Eclectic Triphasic Medical System or ETMS) ...
Napiers Herbal Medicine Clinics
Napiers the Herbalists provides original herbal remedies, natural therapeutic skincare, botanical beauty and herbal food supplements and teas, an operates four herbal medicine clinics ...
Optimum Health Centre
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Optimum Health Centre was established in 1987 and offers a wholistic natural approach to restoring and promoting health, utilising minimally invasive procedures and nontoxic agents ...
Optimum Wellness Integrated Clinic
Edmonton, Canada

The Optimum Wellness Clinic team integrates non-conventional treatments with established evidence for safety and efficacy, alongside conventional treatments to improve patient outcomes ...
Pacific Centre for Naturopathic Medicine
United States

Dr Rachelle Herdman is Founder & Medical Director of the Pacific Center for Naturopathic Medicine whose approach to treatment is primarily holistic ...
Richmond Alternative Medical Clinic
Richmond, Canada

The Richmond Alternative Medical Clinic is run by Dr Martin Kwok, ND, MSAOM, RAC. Dr Kwok established the clinic in 1997 ...
Rosa Medica Clinic
Cheddar, UK - England (South East)

Rosalind Blackwell is a doctor of naturopathy, medical herbalist and clinic director at the Rosa Medica Clinic ...
Somerset Health and Wellness Clinic
Ottawa, Canada

The Somerset Health and Wellness Clinic uses naturopathic medicine to make the health of their patients their top priority ...
Synthesis Clinic
Stockbridge, UK England (SouthEast)

Founded by Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel, Synthesis Clinic offers an award-winning personalised approach to women’s health and integrative cancer care ...
Tara Health Centre
MT Hawthorn, Australia

Tara Health Centre in Perth follows the biological medicine practices created by Dr Rau at the Paracelsus Klinik ...
The Fold Therapy Centre
Bransford, UK

The Fold Therapy Centre is a holistic haven offering a varied range of complementary and natural therapies in Worcestershire ...
The Hale Clinic
London, UK

The Hale Clinic was opened in 1988 by HRH The Prince of Wales, as the first clinic in the UK to combine conventional and complementary medicine ...
The Natural Practice
Dr David Owen, founder of The Natural Practice, provides alternative medicine in a variety of therapies via twelve alternative medical practitioners ...
Verita Life
Bangkok, Thailand

Verita Life’s individualised alternative treatment approach ensures that the treatment you receive is entirely tailoured to your individual condition ...
Vital Health Naturopathic Clinic
Alberta, Canada

Vital Health Naturopathic Clinic provides a broad range of natural services including allergy testing, acupuncture, IV therapy and herbal medicine ...
Wimbledon Clinic of Natural Medicine
Wimbledon, UK - England (South East)

Wimbledon Clinic of Natural Medicine offers a tailoured combination of natural treatments and medicine specifically developed by Dr Thomas Marshall-Manifold ...
Woodland Herbs
Glasgow, Scotland

Woodland Herbs have over 100 dried herbs available to buy for UK delivery. Their range of dried herbs and dried herb mixes are sourced from UK medicinal herb suppliers ...
Information & Advice
Cancer Information and Support Society (CISS) (The)
St Leonards, Australia

CISS provides information about alternative cancer therapies and support for those who choose to use them ...
Cancer Options
Nottingham, UK

Patricia Peat, founder of Cancer Options, support people with cancer by looking at their individual needs, taking a metabolic, integrative approach to develop support plans ...
Canhelp Inc
Livingstone, United States

CANHELP serves patients and/or family members who wish to take an active part in the healing process and are willing to think outside the conventional medical box ...
Yes to Life
London, UK - England (South East)

Yes to Life is a charity that offers support to people with cancer in the UK who want to take a proactive role in their treatment ...
Amrita Nutrition

Amrita Nutrition is collaborating with the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (ANP) ...
Bio-Health Ltd
Rochester, England

Bio-Health Ltd was started in 1981 for the purpose of initiating the first range of vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements free from additives ...
Bristol Botanicals Ltd
Bristol, England

Established since 1994, Bristol Botanicals Ltd has been supplying high grade botanicals to businesses, healthcare professionals ...
Clouds Trust
Global (ie: web based)

Clouds Trust is a charity distributing Essiac (Rene Caisse Herbal Tea) products ...
Evolution Organics
Oxford, UK - England (South East)

Founded in 2009 by Henry Maitland, Evolution Organics provides high-quality organic health food supplements ...
G Baldwin & Co Natural Products
London, UK

George Baldwin first opened his doors in South East London in 1844. Baldwin’s is now London’s oldest and most established herbalist ...
Heirloom & Perennial Ltd
Liskerrett, England

A small company owned and run by Andy Hill. Seed is open-pollinated, meaning that you can grow your own seed to use next year ...
Herbal Haven
Saffron Walden, England

Herbal Haven is a specialist and family-run herb nursery offering a large range of culinary, medicinal and aromatic herbs ...
Hybrid Herbs
Redhill, UK

Hybrid Herbs offer Medicinal Mushroom Extract Powders and Tonic Herbs; 100% natural, vegan, cruelty free, produced with ethical and sustainable practices ...
Indigo Herbs
Glastonbury, England

Indigo Herbs supplies organic and quality assured products, and work with eco-conscious suppliers ...
Jekka's Herb Farm
Alveston, England

Jekka’s Herb Farm is a UK specialist herb farm with over 400 culinary and medicinal herbs, grown sustainably and using medicinal and culinary herb seeds ...
Lewtress Natural Health Ltd
Llandysul, Wales

Lewtress make and supply supplements with the guarantee of no fillers, pure high potency botanicals, not heat treated or pasteurised ...
MCS Formulas B.V
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

MCS Formulas B.V was developed by Daniel Stanciu PhD as a means of bridging the gap between traditional and modern day (allopathic) medicine ...
Mary's Heirloom Seeds

Mary’s Heirloom Seeds offers over 850 varieties of Heirloom, open-pollinated, non-GMO and non-hybrid garden seeds ...
Mind Nutrition Ltd
Belvedere, England

Mind Nutrition verify all ingredients used, by assessing purity, heavy metal content and contaminants and products are encapsulated in natural plant-based capsules ...
Na'vi Organics
Argyll, Scotland

Na’vi Organics offer organic superfoods, supplements, medicines and wellbeing products ...
Nature's Best
Tunbridge Wells, England

Nature’s Best is committed to using the best ingredients available in the nutritional formulas and products are genuinely 100% UK-manufactured to stringent Goods Manufacturing Practice ...
Norfolk Herbs
Dereham, England

Norfolk Herbs are growers of naturally raised culinary, medicinal and aromatic herb plants for wholesale, retail and mail order supply throughout the UK ...
Organic Herb Trading Company
Milverton, England

Organic Herb Trading Company sources and supplies the UK’s largest range of high-quality botanicals for a diverse range of customers, in herbal tea, food, skincare and medicine ...
Organic Herbal Remedies Ltd
Cornwall, England

Organic Herbal Remedies Ltd was started in 2008 with an to ensure that all the herbal remedies you buy are 100% produced from organically produced ingredients ...
Poyntzfield Herb Nursery
Ross & Cromarty, Scotland

Poyntzfield Herb Nursery sell over 400 varieties of herbs which can all be bought directly from the nursery or by mail order ...
Rio Health
Brighton, UK. Global (ie: web based)

Rio Health specialises in supplying herbs from the Amazon Rainforest used by indigenous people to support their health and wellbeing ...
Schwabe Pharma (UK)
Marlow, England

Schwabe Pharma UK sell a range of licensed traditional herbal medicinal products which are Traditional Herbal Medicines (THRs) regulated by the UK MHRA ...
Specialist Herbal Supplies
Portslade, England

Specialist Herbal Supplies was started by Malcolm Simmonds who based their herbal products on the formulations of Dr John Christopher, the trail-blazing herbalist and naturopath ...
The Wild Pharma
Heathfield, England

Most of the herbs used at The Wild Pharma practice and the shop are grown organically and biodynamically on Soil Association and Demeter registered herb farms in the UK ...
Woodland Herbs
Woodland Herbs have over 100 dried herbs available to buy for UK delivery. Their range of dried herbs and dried herb mixes are sourced from UK medicinal herb suppliers ...