The UK’s integrative cancer care charityHelpline 0870 163 2990
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Important Information:
Yes to Life's website content is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, nor is it intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. The information is for educational and informational purposes only and has not been reviewed by medical doctors or oncologists. Cancer is a highly complex group of diseases, and it is known to manifest differently in different people, often responding more favourably to individualised approaches to treatment and care. Yes to Life advocates that any person diagnosed with, or suspected of having, cancer, consults with a suitably qualified and experienced medical professional before initiating any type of therapy or supportive treatment. Click here to read our full Disclaimer.
Also Known As:
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and involves the stimulation of special points on the body, known as acupuncture points, for therapeutic or preventive purposes. It centres on the belief that energy flows through the body along channels and that energy flow, known as Qi (pronounced chi), can be disturbed by many factors. By inserting fine, sterile, disposable acupuncture needles into the channels of energy, or specific points located on body, acupuncturists aim to stimulate the body’s response and help to restore the flow so it moves in a smooth and balanced way. Acupuncture can influence the body via the nervous system to help restore balance, improve the function of the body and relieve symptoms.


First session begins with a consultation and a discussion of your medical history. TCM acupuncturists may also look at your tongue and take your pulse to help to decide which meridians to work on and where to place the needles. The remaining time is spent having the acupuncture treatment itself. The acupuncturist will insert up to 12 fine acupuncture needles into appropriate acupuncture points on the body. The needles used are extremely small and fine, very different from needles used for injections.

These will usually stay in for at least 20 minutes while you rest. The experience can leave you feeling more grounded, refreshed, and relaxed. Acupuncture can be helpful with the relief of symptoms and side effects at any stage of cancer and its treatments and is usually given in a course of 3-6 treatments, according to the needs of the individual. Each session lasts for up to one hour.


Traditional acupuncture is a branch of TCM, a tried and tested healthcare system that has been practised for thousands of years in China and the Far East. All styles of acupuncture currently practised around the world trace their roots back to the first known book of Chinese Medicine, the Classic of Internal Medicine of the Yellow Emperor, which dates back to between the first century BC and the first century AD. In China during the early part of the twentieth century traditional medicine fell out of fashion as symptomatic healthcare treatments were imported from the West along with other cultural influences. Calls by Western trained doctors to ban traditional Chinese medicine were rejected by the National Medical Assembly in Shanghai on 17 March 1929. This day is still celebrated every year as Chinese Doctors Day.

Traditional Chinese medicine remained in the shadow of Western medicine until the Long March of 1934-5. Without drugs, anaesthetics or surgery, vast numbers of sick and wounded soldiers faced death until doctors of traditional Chinese medicine achieved amazing results using acupuncture and other traditional methods of treatment. From this point on, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and western medicine were practised side by side in China. Under the People’s Republic of China, established in 1948, all branches of TCM were nurtured and encouraged to grow. By 1978, whole hospitals and research departments were devoted to the practice of TCM. Today traditional acupuncture is practised all around the world and clinical trials are now confirming its efficacy. More and more people are able to benefit as traditional acupuncture becomes a recognised option within standard healthcare.


Acupuncture is available in some parts of the UK from the NHS; your GP should have information about this. All individual acupuncturists in the Yes to Life directory are based within the UK and have been specially selected by Yes to Life on the basis of their suitability. They are all working within one of the many specialist cancer support units. All are fully qualified and insured and are required to have a minimum of 2 years experience of working with and supporting cancer patients and their relatives, although in most cases they have been working in the field for much longer than that.

If you are contacting one of the clinics on the directory, please check that your acupuncturist is fully qualified, is a member of a recognised professional body which represents their therapy and that they have public liability insurance. Several studies have found that acupuncture can reduce chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting and can also effectively reduce certain types of pain, particularly lower back pain as recommended by NICE. The evidence for acupuncture’s role in cancer-related pain reduction is promising but inconclusive, although in some cases acupuncture has enabled patients to reduce levels of pain medication required. It may also help to relieve some of the other possible side effects of cancer treatments such as fatigue, breathlessness, difficulty sleeping, dry mouth, anxiety, hot flushes and night sweats, although research is inconclusive and more high quality research is needed.

Useful videos:

Views from cancer survivors and healthcare professionals on acupuncture (1:47 mins)

Views on how acupuncture can support cancer survivors living with lymphoedema (2:39 mins)

Acupuncture for World Cancer Day (3:55 mins)


£40 – 80. Some clinics offer an initial package of up to eight free/ low cost sessions. Further private session range from £40 to 80 for initial consultation, further sessions £30 to 70.


For more research and science on Acupuncture, visit CancerChoices

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Damián Allegretti
Damián Allegretti is licensed Acupuncture & Herbalist, a nutritional therapist and a Chinese Medicine practitioner, successfully blending Western science with Eastern wisdom ...
Dr Hartmut Baltin
Dr. Hartmut Baltin uses naturopathic and holistic healing methods to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, autoimmune and other chronic diseases. ...
Nadia Brydon
Llandeilo, Wales UK

Nadia is passionate about supporting and guiding plant-based therapeutic nutritional changes and teaching how to live closer to the laws of nature believing that nature is our greatest healer and teacher ...
Katherine Dandridge
Edinburgh, UK

Katherine Dandridge is an Acupuncturist and Herbalist Health Coach, and provides oncology support acupuncture for people with cancer ...
Dr Emma Davies
Stockbridge, UK England (SouthEast)

Dr Emma Davies worked in surgical oncology and is an integrative oncology doctor ...
Altair de Almeida
Altair de Almeida has been training in Holistic Medicine since 1975 including Feng Sui, Meditation, Nutrition and Spiritual Healing ...
Beverley de Valois
Beverley de Valois PhD LicAc is one of the foremost authorities in using acupuncture to help people recover after cancer treatment ...
Dr Damien Downing
Dr Damien Downing MBBS, MRSB practises Ecological Medicine, allergy (or immune dysfunction), the identification and treatment of damaged or disordered immunity ...
Dr Nilgün Eröztürk
Istanbul, Turkey

Dr Nilgün Eröztürk is a medical doctor practicing Integrative Therapies and working according to the Holistic Medicine approach since 1999 ...
Dr Michael Evans
Stroud, UK

Dr Michael Evans is an Anthroposophic Medical Doctor and was a co-founder of an NHS GP based at St Luke’s Medical Centre Stroud ...
Vicky Fox
Vicky Fox teaches weekly yoga for cancer classes and training courses to help other yoga teachers work with anyone living with cancer ...
Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel
Stockbridge, UK England (SouthEast)

Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel is an award-winning Oxbridge-trained integrative medicine doctor, scientist and educator ...
Debbie Gallimore
Sale, UK - England (North)

Debbie Gallimore is a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach (Dip NT, BANT, CNHC), specialised in female health and weight loss ...
Dr George Georgiou
Larnaca, Cyprus

Dr George Georgiou is a naturopathic doctor and holistic expert in Larnaca Cyprus and created the IDEL Diagnostic Programme ...
Michelle Hammond
Michelle Hammond has over 30 years of experience as a complementary therapist, educator and consultant in health and wellness ...
Dr Julia Hartung
Düsseldorf, Germany

Medical Doctor Julia Hartung is a specialist in internal medicine, specialising in haematology and internal oncology, with a focus on traditional Chinese medicine ...
Dr Stephen Hopwood
Totnes, UK - England (South West)

Dr Stephen Hopwood M.B.ChB Lic.Ac (M.B.Ac.C) a medical practitioner, is the Clinical Director of the Arcturus Clinic with specialty in treating people with cancer to support their health and wellbeing ...
Olena Jones
Stockbridge, UK England (SouthEast)

Olena Jones is a CNHC and BANT registered nutritionist and nutritional therapy practitioner ...
Andrea Joyce

Andrea Joyce is a registered clinical nutritional therapist and acupuncturist, with additional specialised cancer support training ...
Korina Karadimou
Stockbridge, UK England (SouthEast)

Korina Karadimou is a BANT-registered nutritionist and nutritional therapy practitioner specialising in integrative cancer nutrition support ...
Dr Sosie Kassab
London, UK - England (South East)

Dr Sosie Kassab specialises in homeopathy, acupuncture and Iscador (a mistletoe preparation); therapies used to help with symptom relief, side effects of conventional cancer treatments and quality of life. ...
Steve Kippax
London, UK

Steve Kippax practices The Four Pillars of Health which will allow us to support and maintain our wellbeing, and when disease occurs, will hasten a speedy recovery ...
Dr Asir Kopic
Stuttgart, Germany

Dr Kopic’s private oncology clinic in Stuttgart offers a personalised approach using therapeutic strategies based on detailed molecular profiling of individual tumours ...
Dr Ray Lendvai
Vernon, Canada

Dr Lendvai practices Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutritional and Lifestyle Counselling and Chelation and IV Therapy ...
Emma Marshall
Emma Marshall is a registered Nutritional Therapist and Certified Oncology Nutrition Consultant, as well as an experienced chef who specialises in working with breast cancer patients ...
Dr Thomas Marshall-Manifold
Wimbledon, UK - England (South East)

Dr Thomas Marshall-Manifold practises complementary medicine after having studied for and achieved numerous qualifications in the field of natural health, chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal and complex homeopathic medicine ...
Henry McGrath
Bristol, UK

Henry McGrath specialises in working with people who have serious chronic diseases, such as cancer ...
Dr Martin Milner
Portland, United States

Dr Martin Milner is the CEO and Medical Director of the Center for Natural Medicine a naturopathic healthcare facility ...
Dr Sally Moorcroft
Dr Sally Moorcroft is one of the most highly trained Integrative and Functional Medicine doctors in the UK and the co-founder of the Northern Centre of Integrative and Functional Medicine (NCIFM) ...
Debra Quin
Leeds, UK

Debra Quin is an experienced Hypnotherapist assisting patients in developing strategies to cope better with the inevitable fear and anxiety created by a cancer diagnosis ...
Lorna Rhodes
Loudwater, UK - England (South East)

Lorna Rhodes offers support to cancer patients and holds a certification from the Nutritional Therapy Education Commission, Cancer Nutritional support ...
Dr ND Rod Santos
Burnaby, Canada

Dr Rod Santos ND practices Naturopathic medicine to provide quality modern naturopathic medical care ...
Edna Batschewa Schur

Edna Schur, with her experience in Functional Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Genetics, Epigenetics and Psychosomatic Work, strives to improve overall wellbeing and health ...
Wendy Smith
London, UK - England (South East)

Wendy Smith is an experienced Nutritional Therapist specialising in metabolic/inflammatory conditions, most notably cancer ...
Maria Sole Dal Re

Maria Sole Dal Re is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, certified acupuncturist and herbalist supporting those undergoing cancer treatment ...
Dr Christine Suppelt
Maidstone, UK

Dr Christine Suppelt is a Homeopathic Physician, Medical Acupuncturist and Ophthalmic Surgeon offering Integrated Medicine in Maidstone, Kent ...
A New Leaf Naturopathic

A New Leaf offers Naturopathic Treatmentswith naturopathic doctors that are trained to provide primary and integrative medicine to patients ...
AcuMedic Clinic
London, UK - England (South East)

The oldest and largest Chinese Medical Clinic in the UK. Established in 1972, AcuMedic has treated over 50,000 people using Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. ...
Arcadia Health Centre (The)
Arcadia, Australia

Established in 1961, the Arcadia Health Centre provides a beautiful setting for unique and personal care. Procedures include fasting, diet, activity, ...
BASIC (Brain and Spinal Injury Centre)
Salford, UK

Since its inception in 1994, BASIC has been providing counselling, information and support services for patients and their families following a brain or spinal injury. ...
Baltin, Hartmut (Dr)
Aschau, Germany

Dr. Hartmut Baltin uses naturopathic and holistic healing methods to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, autoimmune and other chronic diseases. ...
Blackheath Complementary Health Centre
London, UK - England (South East)

Blackheath Complementary Health Centre is a multi-disciplinary practice providing complementary and alternative approaches to health care ...
Bracken Trust Cancer Support Centre (The)
Llandrindod Wells, UK - Wales

The Bracken Trust supports those who are coping with cancer, their families and the bereaved. They are about empowering people to live with, through and beyond cancer. ...
Five Seasons Health
Scottsdale, United States

Five Seasons Health offer a wide variety of services provided by Robert Ellsworth NMD, Jeffrey Lee NMD and Serena Clark LPN ...
HLP Therapy
Leicester, UK

HLP Therapy was created by Hannah Poulton and is a Women’s Health Physiotherapist, Scar Specialist and Acupuncturist ...
Hippocrates Health Institute
Florida, United States

The Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program (CCWP) is based on a holistic approach to help you restore your metabolic health, up-regulate your immune system, and mobilise your vitality ...
Integrated Health Clinic Naturopathic Health and Cancer Care Center
Integrated Health Clinic (IHC) is a Naturopathic Health and Cancer Care Centre founded by doctors Karen and Gurdev Parmar for integrated healthcare delivery ...
Lemmo Integrated Cancer Care Centre
Vancouver, Canada

Dr. Walter Lemmo is founder and Medical Director of LEMMO Integrated Cancer Care, a naturopathic facility focused exclusively in cancer care ...
Liberty Clinic
Toronto, Canada

Liberty Clinic is a health and naturopathic clinic in Toronto, focusing a part of their practice in naturopathic adjunctive cancer treatment ...
Lococo Wellness Clinic
Hannon, Canada

The Lococo Wellness Clinic uses naturopathic medicine to treat the root cause of diseases ...
MS Action
Walthamstow, London, UK - England (South East)

MS Action Limited is a Registered Charity that offer complementary therapies upon application ...
Main Street Naturopathic Clinic
Moose Jaw, Canada

Main Street Naturopathic Clinic team we look through the symptoms to find the root cause and then create a personalised treatment plan that will be manageable for you and your lifestyle ...
Meditrine Naturopathic Medical Clinic
Langley, Canada

Meditrine Naturopathic Medical Clinic provides naturopathic care for the entire family with a focus in women’s health ...
Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center
Miami Beach, USA

Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center utilises a customised, patient-focused approach, and digs deep into the root causes of symptoms ...
NHS Centre for Integrative Care Gartnavel Hospitals Glasgow
Glasgow, UK - Scotland

The Centre, on the Gartnavel Hospitals site, offers people with long term conditions a wide range of opportunities to enhance their health and quality of life ...
Napiers Herbal Medicine Clinics
Napiers the Herbalists provides original herbal remedies, natural therapeutic skincare, botanical beauty and herbal food supplements and teas, an operates four herbal medicine clinics ...
Nardella Clinic
Calgary, Canada

The Nardella Clinic is a Naturopathic Health Clinic in Calgary Alberta, providing Naturopathic Integrative Cancer Care for the assessment and treatment of cancer by using both natural and conventional medicine ...
New Hope Unlimited
Phoenix, United States

The New Hope Unlimited cancer treatment protocols include building the immune system, implementing anti-tumour protocols and detoxification and focusing on restoring the powerful immune system ...
New Medicine Group
London, UK - England (South East)

The aim of the New Medicine Group is to offer an effective and unique approach to the treatment of persistent health problems ...
Nimaya Mindstation
London, UK

Nimaya Mindstation claims to be London’s first dedicated gym for the mind and offers a wide range of treatments aimed at improving and enhancing your mind and body ...
Obitsu Sankei Clinic and Hospital

Ryoichi Obitsu opened the Obitsu Sankeijuku Clinic, a base for integrative medicine, and wrote over 100 books ...
Optimum Health Centre
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Optimum Health Centre was established in 1987 and offers a wholistic natural approach to restoring and promoting health, utilising minimally invasive procedures and nontoxic agents ...
Optimum Wellness Integrated Clinic
Edmonton, Canada

The Optimum Wellness Clinic team integrates non-conventional treatments with established evidence for safety and efficacy, alongside conventional treatments to improve patient outcomes ...
Painease Naturopathic Clinic
Milton, Canada

Painease Naturopathic Clinic operates a cancer care system based on the importance of patients receiving the very best in supportive and integrative cancer care ...
Poliknika Holistera
Zagreb, Croatia

The Holistera Polyclinic takes a holistic approach to patient treatment, focusing on improving the immune system and restoring balance to the body ...
Positive IV

Positive IV rent out home unit HBOTs which come in chair and lie-down options ...
Richmond Alternative Medical Clinic
Richmond, Canada

The Richmond Alternative Medical Clinic is run by Dr Martin Kwok, ND, MSAOM, RAC. Dr Kwok established the clinic in 1997 ...
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Buffalo, United States

Roswell Park helps set international standards in cancer care through its role as a founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network ...
St Albert Naturopathic Clinic
St Albert, Canada

St Albert Naturopathic Clinic offers Complementary and Alternative Medicine therapies to inspire health and healing through individualised holistic care ...
St Luke's Therapy Centre
Stroud, UK

The aim of St Luke’s Therapy Centre is to provide a welcoming, healing space, focusing on your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing ...
Stram Center for Integrative Medicine
The Stram Center for Integrative Medicine offers an array of healing-oriented services combining the best of western scientific medicine with the wisdom of complementary practices ...
Surrey Holistic Centre for Functional Medicine
Godalming, UK - England (South East)

Surrey Holistic Centre for Functional Medicine is a multi-disciplinary centre incorporating the latest developments in holistic and complementary medicine ...
Synthesis Clinic
Stockbridge, UK England (SouthEast)

Founded by Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel, Synthesis Clinic offers an award-winning personalised approach to women’s health and integrative cancer care ...
The Chiltern Clinic
Loudwater, UK - England (South East)

The Chiltern Clinic is an independent provider of complementary therapies and health related services based in Loudwater, High Wycombe ...
The Fold Therapy Centre
Bransford, UK

The Fold Therapy Centre is a holistic haven offering a varied range of complementary and natural therapies in Worcestershire ...
The Holistic Cancer Centre at Wirral Holistic Care Services
Claughton, UK

The Holistic Cancer Centre at Wirral Holistic Care Services is a nurse-Led therapeutic cancer support centre for people who have a cancer diagnosis ...
The Natural Practice
Dr David Owen, founder of The Natural Practice, provides alternative medicine in a variety of therapies via twelve alternative medical practitioners ...
Urban Wellness Group
Portland, USA

Urban Wellness Group is an integrative medical clinic focusing on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease ...
Vital Health Naturopathic Clinic
Alberta, Canada

Vital Health Naturopathic Clinic provides a broad range of natural services including allergy testing, acupuncture, IV therapy and herbal medicine ...
Wimbledon Clinic of Natural Medicine
Wimbledon, UK - England (South East)

Wimbledon Clinic of Natural Medicine offers a tailoured combination of natural treatments and medicine specifically developed by Dr Thomas Marshall-Manifold ...
Woodland Herbs
Glasgow, Scotland

Woodland Herbs have over 100 dried herbs available to buy for UK delivery. Their range of dried herbs and dried herb mixes are sourced from UK medicinal herb suppliers ...
Information & Advice
Cancer Care Map

Cancer Care Map is an online resource to help people living with cancer find care and support services in their local area in the UK ...
Cancer Information and Support Society (CISS) (The)
St Leonards, Australia

CISS provides information about alternative cancer therapies and support for those who choose to use them ...
Cancer Options
Nottingham, UK

Patricia Peat, founder of Cancer Options, support people with cancer by looking at their individual needs, taking a metabolic, integrative approach to develop support plans ...
Canhelp Inc
Livingstone, United States

CANHELP serves patients and/or family members who wish to take an active part in the healing process and are willing to think outside the conventional medical box ...
Yes to Life
London, UK - England (South East)

Yes to Life is a charity that offers support to people with cancer in the UK who want to take a proactive role in their treatment ...
Associazione Ricerca di Terapie Oncologiche Integrate
Rome, Italy

The ARTOI is a non-profit and multidisciplinary professional organisation that studies, researches and applies treatments for cancer ...
Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support
Axminster, UK

Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support charity offers creative activities, holistic therapies, diet and lifestyle information, exercise classes, support groups and more ...
Bristol, UK

The Brightwell offers Oxygen Therapy, counselling, reflexology and acupuncture ...
CYANA (Cancer You Are Not Alone)
London, UK

CYANA supports anyone affected by cancerand believes in the principle of holistic, user-led support ...
Cancer Aid Merthyr Tydfil
Merthyr Tydfil, UK

Cancer Aid Merthyr Tydfil Ltd charity provides a free service to those whose lives have been touched by cancer living within the Borough ...
Cancer Support Centre (The)
Birmingham, UK

The Cancer Support Centre is a local charity supporting those affected by cancer in the West Midlands ...
Chichester, UK - England (South East)

CancerWise is a registered charity offering support and information to anyone concerned about cancer in the Chichester area ...
Cavendish Cancer Care
Sheffield, UK

Cavendish Cancer Care offer online support including courses and classes and virtual support groups, in-person group sessions, 1-to-1 counselling and complementary therapies ...
Chai Cancer Care
Chai Cancer Care is the Jewish community’s national cancer support organisation, enabling patients, family and friends to manage the impact of a cancer diagnosis. ...
Charcot Therapy Centre
Gloucester , United Kingdom

Charcot Therapy Centre helps people in the Gloucestershire area and provides members with access to a variety of therapies at a subsidised rate ...
Cherry Lodge Cancer Care
Barnet, UK

Cherry Lodge Cancer Care is an independent charity offering free complementary therapies free of charge delivered by cancer nurse specialists and therapists ...
Christie NHS Foundation Trust (The)
Manchester, UK - England (North)

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust offers complementary therapies by 30 therapists Monday to Friday and working throughout the hospital ...
Coping With Cancer North East
Annitsford, Cramlington, UK

Coping with Cancer North East services are free to any individual affected by cancer, including family, friends and carers ...
Dimbleby Cancer Care
London, UK

The Richard Dimbleby Cancer Fund exists to offer care and support to people affected by cancer in the UK ...
Fountain Centre (The)
Guildford, UK - England (South East)

The Fountain Centre is an independent charity located on within St Luke’s Cancer Centre at the Royal Surrey Hospital providing emotional and holistic support ...
Future Dreams
London, UK

Future Dreams is a registered charity offering a range of online and in-person workshops, classes, therapies and advice ...
Hospice of St Francis (The)
Berkhamsted, UK

The Hospice of St Francis is a charity helping people and their families in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire ...
Liverpool Sunflowers
Liverpool, UK

Liverpool Sunflowers is a charity providing support to local people following a diagnosis of cancer or other life changing illness ...
Munro Health Co-Operative Ltd (The)
London, UK

The Munro Health Co-Operative Ltd is dedicated to the provision of complementary health care to people who would normally not be able to afford them ...
Penny Brohn UK
Bristol, UK

Penny Brohn UK is the cancer health and wellbeing charity with a wide array of services free and online ...
Pickering Cancer Drop-in Centre (The)
Tunbridge Wells, UK - England (South East)

The Pickering Cancer Drop-in Centre provides complementary therapies, such as reflexology, reiki, healing and massage, along with nutritional advice, yoga and counselling, free of charge ...
Purple House Cancer Support
Bray, Ireland

Purple House Cancer Support is a registered charity providing all services for free and supports families affected by cancer nationwide in Ireland ...
Rotherham Cancer Care Centre
Rotherham, UK

Rotherham Cancer Care Centre services are free and there is no need for an NHS referral ...
Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
London, UK

The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) is a centre for evidence-based practice, education and research, specialising in chronic and complex medical conditions. ...
Royal Marsden (The)
Sutton, UK

The complementary therapy team working at The Royal Marsden Hospital are experienced in working with patients undergoing cancer treatment ...
Sadie Centre (The)
Letchworth, UK

The Sadie Centre (formerly known as The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living) represents a holistic approach to life, about health promotion and illness prevention ...
Sue Ryder Duchess of Kent Hospice and Community Services

Sue Ryder provides Day Service treatment across Berkshire in Newbury and Wokingham, where they support patients with practical advice, useful services and complementary therapies ...
Thames Hospice
Windsor, UK - England (South East)

Thames Hospice is an independent charity, offering free counselling and complimentary therapies for cancer patients ...
The Mulberry Centre
Hounslow, UK

The Mulberry Centre is charity offering complementary and relaxation therapies, one-to-one support, counselling and workshops ...
The Sara Lee Trust
The Sara Lee Trust supports people in Hastings and Rother who have been diagnosed with cancer or other life threatening illnesses by providing free counselling, complementary therapies and group activities ...
Together Against Cancer

Together Against Cancer provides a range of free cancer support services, including complementary therapies ...
Wolo Foundation

Wolo Foundation helps families living in Sussex by offering practical help and support to make their day-to-day lives easier ...
Woodland Herbs
Woodland Herbs have over 100 dried herbs available to buy for UK delivery. Their range of dried herbs and dried herb mixes are sourced from UK medicinal herb suppliers ...